
Monday, January 9, 2012

Currently- January- Giveaway Reminder!

Farley's Currently is making the rounds!
Here is mine:

FYI- I just located a plastic candy cane full of Candy Cane Mint Kisses....never had one before and I thought I broke my freakin' tooth!!! There should be  a warning that the bits of candy cane are so hard!!!! call it Karma- 'cause I totally "stole" it out of a child's mom always said it "wasn't stealing bc it was her house"...whatever  makes me sleep better, right??

Speaking of sleeping better-  I was totally obsessed with peeked at my comments on my giveaway today-
It ends at midnight on the 12th- really, it will be over, and your chances will be gone- you don't want to be upset with yourself bc you didn't I will wait while you comment and enter!! HERE!

Have a terrific Tuesday!
(Who was the Lucky Duck who won the 40 and Fabulous giveaway?)


  1. Pass some chocolate this way - no way, I'm abstaining. Shoot.

    Will enter your giveaway NOW!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. Entered your giveaway -- not sure how I missed it!
    And I love your OLW!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. found these on pinterest for you!! :)


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"