
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

6 more days and a Giveaway!

 There he is, lurking in the shadows...

What made it worse, was that my 1/2 became a whole day. So after I went in this morning and got a new temp- we were alone! Yes, alone...

But I had such restraint! 
{actually, I went to the back to take a nap, so I didn't even think about him....too much}

Truman and I cuddled up....we were warm and cozy...

And then I woke up and went cuckoo crazy on Tpt....
{If you know the MR....please refrain from sharing that tidbit with him}

We will be making a trip to Office Depot to purchase  more of the ink this weekend!

Since you are all done shopping the big sale- you are probably all wanting to feel a little better.

What makes us feel better than seeing our name and  comment and the random number generator in the same post with the words "WINNER!!!"?
There isn't much that tops it...

I have it on great authority that there is a HUGE giveaway coming.....

it is big



And I have the honor of being asked to participate!!!!

All we have to do to get this thing rolling is get my buddy, Staci, to 100 followers.....!
Nope not a typo- we share the same name....spelled the same and everything!!! Destined to be buds!

There are some awesome ladies in on this, too....
Abby from

Holly from

Crisscross Applesauce

Megan from

Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade Tidbit

and Mor from

 So- what are you waiting for? Get over there and follow Staci- the sooner she gets to 100, the sooner you get to enter...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Can't Take It!

Do you see it?
It's mocking me...

It just sits there and stares at me...

Like he KNOWS I am not gonna make it...Like I have a history with packages or something...

Remember when I tried to take  a day off during the holidays, to peek at my presents....

(For the record, I DID not look- I was very surprised when I opened my gifts)


{totally kidding.....maybe} the words of Bugs Bunny "Ain't I a Stinker???"

TIme for a Cheers and Jeers~ {remember TV Guide?}

I had a half day today!

Cause I had to take my oldest son to the Dr for a strep test.

It was negative!

I get ANOTHER half day tomorrow!

Cause my left cainine temp broke AGAIN! Apparently in my sleep, because I wear the retainer all the time,..... this time, I don't know where the temp is......they are going to have to make a new one:(

I want to leave on  good note, so...

I have a cart full of great centers and units on TPT!!! Can't wait to check out after midnight!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Buddies, Beauties, and Boxes

Hi- Diddley-Ho, Neighbors!

So much to share, so much to share... I wish I had musical notes clipart... then I would put them in a clipart bucket and then I could carry a tune in a bucket!!!! hardy har har!

First, let me introduce you to the "man" behind the blog, the one who keeps me going...
the one without whom none of this coziness on the couch with a laptop would be possible....

Squirrel-friends meet Truman. Truman meet Squirrel-Friends. He is a jealous guy and sometimes will put himself between me and the computer.

 His real offense to my patriotic partners is "Hairy A** Truman"...Get it?
But we only call him Truman:)

He is my bud- always at my feet, in my lap or by my side. {He is trying to sleep right now, but I am bugging him}.

Next- check these out:
Even just the box got me excited!
From The Valentine Blog Exchange Day 14...My Package came today! {I love getting mail}

 They are so pretty! Thank you Theresa and Alissa from Primary Princesses...Head over and check them out:- Cuteness Galore!)

And the stars must all be aligned- because that was NOT the only thing I recd in the mail it was not the 500th Explanation of Benefits from Chick-a-dee's Holiday Hospital Vacation....although I could wallpaper the office with those.....
do they realize that they aren't really explaining anything to me? They have written the same thing on the same piece of paper like 20 times and there is "what the Dr charged" and "what the Ins allowed" and "what I owe" and "what the ^$%^*&....."

OVERLOAD! TMI on those things- just send me a bill {so I can consider paying it} :)

Anyway....this was in my living room when I got home today...
Holy Macaroni! That is a B.I.G. box! 

It has my name on it.

It is kind of heavy.

It is for my birthday.

It is not supposed to be opened until next Wednesday!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

Oh, I want to make that last line disappear.... I don't want to see that....

I want a neon sign that flashes : OPEN ME! IT'S OKAY! NO ONE WILL KNOW IF YOU OPENED IT EARLY!!!

Except for the fact that it is from my mother-in-law and I may or may not have encouraged her to read my blog a few times. And if I open, of course I am going to have to take a picture of it, and then
I will be TOTALLY busted!!!!!

So I have to wait.......bite your nails with me ladies and we'll get that sucker opened in one week......{Oh Dear Lord, I won't make it}

OK, now to take my mind off if this:
 {It's staring at me}

My class made Mrs. Cupcakes Sweet Tooth tooth and toothbrush craftivity last week....
I decorated the door today- no camera at school, so crappy phone pic......

Let me get closer and see if you notice it before I tell you...
Do you see the guy in the sunglasses? Remember Team George? I stopped him before he added the fangs!

Some people think this is the example that I made....not so is from one of my boys....the one who saw the "Big J.C". in the squiggle...yeah, that one. He is awesome!

And I leave you tonight, thinking I will go brush my teeth immediately after this post....why? Because of the Hitler Tooth!

We should all be scared of Hitler Tooth!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday.....

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Ahhhh...can you hear that?

Shhh....listen closely-

That is the sound of everyone in my house sleeping {pooch included} except for me.

"Why isn't Miss Squirrels sleeping?" might you ask...

Well, sit back and I'll tell ya~

Cause I spent all day sleeping and avoiding getting my work done! And then I got on the "bloggity blog blog" Google Reader and I got stuck!

Stuck? "How did Miss Squirrels get stuck?" might you ask...

Well, I'll tell you that, too~

It's because I have no willpower when it comes to the Freebies, and the Giveaways, and sharing and the ideas and, and, and....{dramatic pause}

Blogging is my kryptonite~ It keeps me from doing all things  that other people think are important!

The round of final evaluations has begun at school! It's the UNANNOUNCED {nounced, nounced} - that was an echo....
Instructional {al, al} - another echo for effect.

I should be more worried- I should be frantically writing and typing and printing~ but you know what? I am just gonna {in the words of the great JWWOW} "Do me"... I am just going to do me, be me, and let it go.

I have been observed twice for Math and once in Science, so my calculations indicate that someone should be showing up for Literacy Block anyday now...

There- that part is done. I feel better.

Speaking of feeling better- I have gotten used to the retainer...
Only a week and a half! Whoo! hoo!

I was cutting the MR's hair yesterday and I sneezed....then a minute or so later, I ran my tongue along my teeth and I had to have him look. Is it still there?
It flew right off when I sneezed!
So then I was like Velma on the ground, but instead of looking for my glasses, I was looking for my retainer!!!!
{Let's just pray there is no sneezing during the Eval!!!!!}

I have pictures of the Nursing Depts visit to the class for Dental Health (will post later) and some cute teeth we made: totally got the idea from Pinterest
Apple slices, marshmallows, and a thin line of spray frosting (it is supposed to be peanut butter, but I have pb allergies in the class)...they turned out so cute!!!!!

And now it is getting down to the wire- I have to finish my work, but before I go-
I found "Color Splash" on Photobucket .....this is a pic of the MRs grandfather at a 4th of July Parade in Smalltown, USA

I just think it's so neat!!

OK, I can't put it off anymore...I must finish up
Have a great week!

(Before you click over to the next blog, check your sidebar? Any Squirrel Love over there? No? Well, scroll up and get my button and/or add me to your blog's like getting a little {{{{{HUG}}}}} every time I see it when I am stalking)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kids say the darndest things....

I hear ya on the book thing!

Link up with Jeannie ! Lots of great ones!
Kindergarten Lifestyle

I can't make it through the day without masking a giggle! Several Giggles!
Tomorrow is Friday!!!! whoop! whoop!

Monday, February 20, 2012

You Thould Feel Tho Tho Thorry for me.....:(


What a three day weekend!

Here it is almost 9pm my time and I am just starting in the middle of  all of my plans some preparations for next week.

I have a reason though~
You know how Kristin, Reagan, and Farley joke about "tho thad" ? Well that is me now.
I am "tho thad" because today I got RETAINER!!! yes, a retainer. Two of them- one to sleep in and one to wear all day! It is so I don't bite off another temp!!

I had the incident with the pizza and then later that night- KABLOOIE!!! the other side!

I had big plans for the day- but I spent 2 hours at the dentist-

They are the clear ones that look like the whitening trays, but they still go up pretty high behind my teeth- therefore, causing my tongue to be attracted to it- in turn- making me sound LIKE SYLVESTER THE CAT!!!!


Here are a few things I worked on this weekend~

I stared  at a half a bag of Jelly Bellys from my Valentine Exchange: (I wanted to eat them, but I can't!)
Super Cute- Thank you to Michelle Willis!
I wrapped these Crystal Light containers in scrapbook paper then tape- I use them for markers in the caddies- and they just looked "icky" so I was "Pinning" and I saw how some ladies were wrapping theirs:

And I printed and cut out my Place Value Centers that I won from Rebecca at Teaching First
I got the idea for packaging them from Miss Leslie Ann over at Life in First Grade. When I print new ones- I make the new envelopes right away. And I grab a few here and there (centers i have already made) and set the envelopes the same way. It is a simple, cheap, and fast way to may a strong envelope and stay organized!

I had to walk away for a moment because my daughter needed help with her homework- Subatomic Theory Timeline- Really?
I teach elementary for a reason, folks.....

I hate how she waits til the last minute to get everything done......she must get that from the MR.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I KNOW I'm a teacher and Secret Passwords

I was too lazy to join missed out on "you know you're a teacher when...." know you're a teacher when... have printer ink on your Christmas List. convince your family and neighbors THEY should buy from the book order, so YOU can get the points. get a laminator for Mother's Day.
...before going anywhere you tell everyone (even the Mr.) "Everybody tries!" begin to have more containers than stuff. can never just give an answer- you have to explain EVERYTHING. (My Littles hate this).
...your 8 year old corrects other people's grammar (there is a H.I.larious story that goes with that....)

The oldest son had a sleepover Fri night. And the boy "Herman", kept bragging that he was in all advanced classes at the middle school. Then a few minutes later "Herman" started a sentence with "me and 'Bob' the youngest son says,
"Well if you are in all the smart classes, why can't you speak correctly? It's "Bob and I".... that kid cracks me up!

I don't have anything huge to share...although I do have something cute.

We have lots of passwords to keep up with to make it easier on them, I did a mail merge onto these 5 x 7 cards.
I changed the desktop on my computers- there are 3 working ones. One has a cheetah background, one a zebra, and one a peacock. I counted off the sweeties "1,2,3" , then separated the cards "1,2,3". Put the cards on  a ring binder, command hook on side of computer (headphones go there too). And I put the links to these main three things in the they only have to click the pic, type in their login, and they are good to go!

I had to do something....It got to where I was spending way too much time redirecting them on the computer during my small group sessions. I also have one Computer Tech in each reading group...that person can help you out too!

How do you keep your sweeties organized on the computers?

On a more "sensitive" note- TOTAL PUN INTENDED!!!!

The final stage of my "new grill" will be on "My Birf-day ! We're gonna party like it's my birf-day!!"
So March 7th I will be ready for a reveal! Until that time, I am having a HARD time with the temps. I went to the dentist FOUR TIMES THIS WEEK.....two of the temps are right in a "bite zone" (wouldn't that be your whole mouth)????

So while eating pizza tonight, it happened AGAIN. And I don't know if my dentist is open tomorrow!

If anything, this has also become a weight loss plan- because I am TOO SCARED TO EAT ANYTHING!!!!!!

I will keep my fingers crossed that none of the others decide to pop off!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ok, I'm doing it!!!

Thank you- Kristin, Emily, Jen R, Holly, Vicky, and Miss T.....if the lights and sirens go off {because of the BLOPS-
BLOPS are the BLogger cOPS}, then I am sending them to your door.

just kidding


ok, I am....

THey are on Google Docs as one pdf- complete with reminder bookmarks:)

You can grab these here on Google Docs!

They cal them by name- and I think it really helps many of them to make that connection!

Hope you enjoy~

I Wanna Share!!!!

So I have seen these Stuck on Word? bookmarks and stuffed animal decoding strategy posters around for a while....they all appear to be teacher- made.
I made some for my personal use- with color photographs of the animals and bookmarks for after they are all introduced.

I am not trying to sell them, I just want to share them with you. My sweeties love them and refer to them all the time. But I cannot for the life of me find who originally came up with the idea!!!!! And I don't want to do the wrong thing.

So if I post them all 8 of them with the disclaimer that it is not my original idea do you think it would be okay?

Gimme some guidance!

Friday, February 17, 2012

What Would You Do IF YOu Were President?

This was a thoughtful assignment- we aren't talking "I would give all kids free ice cream at lunch" or "I would make it rain gumballs".

Well you know how when you say that is NOT what we are going to do, that is what some of them do? We brainstormed (more like a Brain Sprinkle- we were worn out for some reason). And they brought them to me one at a time, I read them and I typed them (on the BIG SCREEN) during silent read time.
Here are few, followed by our cutie Abes and Georgies (courtesy of Teri)
{We had discussed the word "declare".. I told them about some of my older aunts  in the South and I DO DECLARE! - I now have a group of 6 year old girls using that instead of OMG}

Not all- not a few, but many.

{I think someone was a little grouchy today}


They have banned makes us sad. She said her mom told her that we can't feed them anymore because all that bread made the ducks poop too much.

A Non Example

This guy has so much love to give!

Those other Littles are sweet- but this is a President I could really support!

I'm in!

This same child had a hamburger for lunch today.

Could you image all the 6 year old Game Stop looters had he not thrown in that last clause????

Outside my door.    
Now let's get  a close up of those Presidents:
Do you remember this part of the history books? The guy next to him looks worried!

Apparently, some one sprung for wooded braces....Nice Grill, George!

I know there are many, many years between them, but somewhere along the way.....
I think they are sharing some DNA!!

And none of this would be possible without the love and support of ......

who do you think I am going to say????.......

Will it be parents?

Support staff?......

Fellow Teachers????

Nope you are all wrong!
This is what one of my sweeties saw when I made a "sguiggle"....I am totally not trying to be blasphemous- but doesn't he look a little like Abe? Just saying.

I hope everyone is going to enjoy their 3 days off.....and if you don't have at least 3 days off, please let me know and I will send out a strongly worded letter on your behalf....TTFN!