
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday Trio

It has been a year since my friends, Fern and Michelle began their Dynamic Duo monthly giveaways.  They have had a fun time working together and of course they love to give stuff away!

Fern recently came up with a new idea.  Each week, they  are going to make one of their normally priced packets free for one day.  This is their way of showing a little appreciation to their followers who have loyally followed their blogs.  As an added bonus, they are going to invite a different blogger friend each week to join them.  Not only will you get free stuff, you might get to "meet" someone new and want to follow his or her store, too.  How great is that?!!!  Make sure you visit their blogs every Thursday!

This week- they chose me!!! Have you met me? Yes? Well, have you met them? If the answer is yes, then you are so lucky already. If the answer is no, then you need to get over there and meet them- they are both amazing!

Today you can click here and get this great assessment tool that I made when I was still in first grade FOR FREE!!
I used it when they entered my class and I was able to have the cards ready and at hand when I needed to assess a new student on beginning skills. They also made for great interventions for some students!

Click HERE to download your freebie.

Just a reminder:  You will not be able to leave feedback after we change it back to a paid for lesson.

Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Five for Friday {April 12}

Doodle Bugs Teaching

Good Morning and happy Saturday!
You should celebrate Saturdays. You don't have to throw a big party or buy decorations or anything, but you should celebrate it.
You should also celebrate the fact that I have 27 instructional days left in my school year. I know it's sad to see the little ones go, but there is hopefully some great news on the horizon for me (that's a different post).

Let's start this off with the fact that it is absolutely GORGEOUS here! These are my two favorite trees that I see everyday on my way in and way out of the neighborhood. And when the wind blows, it's like something out of a dream....and then the little boy who lives there comes out of his house and ruins that dream yelling "Miss Squirrels! Miss Squirrels! " when I drive by- he's zoned for my school:)

Now let's move on to this little lovely Lego set that I came across while playing on my phone yesterday. It's a Squirrel! With her own private tree! And her own little collection of nuts! Um, I totally went to Toys R US last night looking for this. OK, We were also looking for a laser tag thing that Littlest Little wants to hook up to his iPod. But I also scoured the Lego Friends Section.

I'm kind of going to cheat with my last pics and mush them all into one. This is one of my favorite dinners that we had this week. It's SO easy and so delicious!
And being a teacher, I am sure that the word problem
 kitchen + easy = dinner
 makes you happy.

So simple!
Such an easy crockpot dinner. I set it up in the morning while the boys are in the bathroom fighting over who's turn it is to use the toothpaste and I am done before they both make it out.
Add the roast, fill the bottom of crockpot with Coke (don't cover the top the of the roast with Coke). Then cover the top of roast with ketchup and one packet of Lipton Onion Soup Mix. Put the lid on, set on low, and when you get home you have a yummy roast that is not soggy and gooey. But instead it is melt in your mouth tender with this yummy, crusty flavorful top.

Easy Quick Dinner
Coke Roast
When I make this, I usually throw a bag of red new potatoes in foil bag, with butter and garlic in the oven when I get home. They cook while I am unpacking and unwinding- and before I know it, I am ready to open a package of vegetables that everyone will complain about and no one will eat and we all sit down together! Ah, dinner time. The time that brings us all together.

It is time for me to go enjoy this Saturday! There are lots of busy squirrels in the nest today and I get to be the nutty chauffeur!
Enjoy your sunshine (and cross your fingers for my good news)