
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Evaluations and Advice

OK, first a "Self-Evaluation"
I am so tired of looking like the "Before" picture in the magazines! (that was me yelling)!
Seriously though, some of those "befores" look way better than my "after".
I know, "After what?"
Ok, Ok, I haven't gotten anywhere close to starting around to actually trying to solve this problem, but admitting I have the problem is the first step! How long am I allowed to stay on the first step???

Now for the "School Evalutation"-
I have my Planning Eval on the 18th. One of the asst pals will be in my room for  total of 15 mins- that's it- 15 mins.
The last one (the Instruction Eval) went very well-
and now I have anxiety (did I take my meds)....I'm am stressed because I'm know I will over plan and over analyze and on the other hand, what if I am too laid back about it???? ARGHHH!!!
The eval will be during Math, during our circus show centers and small group part of math. Ugh! And THEN when January ends- my 45 min UNANNOUNCED EVAL is coming.....can you say "ULCER!?!?!?!"

Ok, now for advice-
No, I am not dispensing it. Unfortunately there is not a Dear Squirrely section of the blog. (Who would ask a squirrel for advice anyway!?!?!? They're NUTS!)

I am considering going back to handwriting my plans. I found a template that I really liked on Teacher LadyBug Files. It is one day per page with large blocks to write in for main subjects and a space for the rest of the schedule. I downloaded it and tweaked it for my times.
I use my previous plans as a "springboard" each week- but I feel like I have been doing an awful lot of copying and pasting lately. It is making me feel a little disconnected. Does that make sense? We don't have a "set" format, but we are expected to include certain things. With all of our PLC and PDs and modules- I feel like I am on the pc too much (for school).  Am I crazy? Do you type or write?

One more question....a neighboring teacher gave me Decode If You Can. The whole kit and kaboodle. I have a few low ones every year and I thought- this could be helpful to use with them- and then..... GREAT BUCKETS OF WILD GEESE!!!!!!! There is SO MUCH crap that comes with it! Should I learn how to use it and incorporate it (next year) or should I just pass it on? Keeping it doesn't seem to follow along with the de-cluttering theme. What would you do? (And give it back isn't an option- she is already gone) :(

And last but not least, a shameless plug for someone else's giveaway- because I want to win, of course- My Grafico has a giveaway every month. Check out this month's here . :)

Type or Write?
Keep or Pass On?
Working or Off for MLK day?


  1. Oh goodness I love the "great buckets of wild geese!"

    And tomorrow is off!!! A day to recooperate and prepare for the rest of the week lol :)

    If the stuff is worth it, then keep for sure!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. Oh, I type. But I enjoy my printing so I don't mind that, either.
    I'm off for MLK, Jr.
    I have no advice for you on the hand-me-down because I don't really know what it is. But I don't clutter. I am a throw-away-er. Big time. So I'm no use.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. Plans:

    I am supposed to upload plans to a district site, but I don't actually use them during the day. They're really not formatted in a way that's useful. So I write (briefly) plans. It's really just a simple sequence of things that need to happen. But for my evaluation, I had to submit a fancy 5-E lesson plan that encompassed the entire concept that my AP was going to see 45 minutes of. That was typed, obviously haha.

  4. We are required to type, which is fine by me. My handwriting sucks! Off tomorrow...oh, golly, look at the time...I mean today. I'm in a major declutter frenzy so get rid of it if you can.

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  5. I type mostly -- although I have done both. Last year I handwrote for half a year with a fun template then realized my scheduled was too weird to keep it up so I type and draw arrows if I need to make changes. Once in awhile if planning doesn't get done during "collaboration" (ie they yak and I sit there and pretend to be interested), I will leave a section blank and handwrite it later.

    I am off for MLK thank goodness!! It'll be a work day for sure though (report cards).

    If it's useful I'd keep it....if not, pass it on. I used to take whatever was offered free and now if I can't think of something I'd do with it TOMORROW, I don't bother.

  6. I have always written mine...mainly because...well, I change a lot of my plans. ha! I have a typed up template, and then I write in what we're doing in the blocks. I get a lot of ideas the night before, or the morning of. Or sometimes in the middle of a lesson, I'll just change it up! So, a lot of times, I have to go back and change my plans anyway...I actually did a post on it a while it is I have my planner set up on there so you can see it if you want :)

  7. I am sharing the Versatile Blogger Award with you! Hop on over to my blog to pick up the button and get the rules! :)

    The First Grade Diaries

  8. I also meant to tell you that you are also getting the Liebster Award from me as well! The button/rules are on the same post as the Versatile Blogger award!

  9. I have a template I print off, and then hand write/jot in my lesson plans. I'm not super detailed in my plans because it's all in my head :)
    MLK- I'm off! And for the first time in... um... uh... EVER! YES! :)
    Keep it for a few months- if you don't use it, then Goodwill-it.


    1. AHHHHH! What are the chances? Neither of us "Stacis" have our email on our profile!!! Send me yours- I still owe you a prize!!!

  10. I am a new follower.

    Not familiar
    Off for MLK


  11. I type up a template with my schedule on it then I write in the plans. I usually type up a new one every week or two bc thats how often it's been changing - yikes!

    Sara :)

    Smiling In Second Grade


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