
Thursday, April 12, 2012

12 on the 12th

I LOVE the 12 on the 12th linky!

I have some doozies for you today!
First, let me say that the one thing that has been the biggest part of my day- cannot be photographed.

(You are going to love this...)
I was aggravated by this all day- I mean like seriously, from the moment I got out of the van.
It drove me crazy~ and I figured out why when I made my first trip of the school day to the ladies room...

(and i don't know why I feel so comfortable telling you all this, but...)

What was it?

THE WORLD'S WORST WEDGIE {edgie, edgie}!!!!

and I figured out why...


They are Ambrielle Boy Shorts- VERY comfortable when worn the right way....
not so much when worn BACKWARDS...

hee hee

I tried "walking it out", I stretched it out...I "rationalized" it out...."well, I have gained a few pounds, maybe I am getting a boot-ay.."

.but no, I just got dressed too quickly.

I miss tags- remember when everything had a tag in it and you could put your clothes on with no worries?- gone are those everything is stamped in...I think I am going to write a strongly worded letter to the powers that be to get those tags back in our garments....especially the under-roos!

On to the linky:

1. I looked ALL over for these shoes before our Easter trip...found!
2. This is the portable pharmacy that I have to keep handy in my desk drawer for my boys. The Tums and Gas X packets are mine:)
3. All of the "knick knack" squirrels have been relagated to the top of the filing cabinet. The newest member is the one in the overalls...he looks angry. Maybe because his hat is too small.
4. I didn't have to cook tonight!!! We went out for Chinese! (The MR is not diggin' me taking pictures of everything).
5. A perpetual lesson as to why we DO NOT throw our treasure box sticky animals up into the air....these were thrown up there 3 years ago....they are now part of an Explicit Instruction Lesson when I show them how they NEVER come down:)
6. Tomorrow is Friday.
7. As tall as I am, My hands are still the size of an 8 year old's. I know, weird, huh?
8. My charger BIT IT!!! I still have the ground plug thingy to hook to the adapter...but this is NOT mine- it belongs to the system!!!
9. Can you see the steady stream of drizzle? Drives my neighbor crazy!!! I have learned to tune it out.
10. Centers are  still looking decent 146 days in.
11. I have made it my mission to help with "A" and "B's" college fund...therefore I purchased another AH-mazing center packet from Jen R at The Teacher's Cauldron....tee hee
and finally
12. This is the $.75 soda machine that only takes quarters on the days I only have dollars and only takes dollars on the rare occasions when I have quarters.

Well that is my 12 on the 12th:)
Be sure to link up at

Chin up muchachas.....tomorrow is Friday!!!!


  1. Love your pics :)

    I'm laughing at number 11's comment...A and B are such cuties too!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. I loved your pictures and reading about them!! So fun! I linked up too!
    Teaching, Learning, & Loving

  3. Too funny! I can only imagine you rationalizing it out. tehehehe! We have a faucet with a constant drizzle too. Luckily I can't hear it, but When I see it I just want to scream!

  4. Haha! I experienced a similar undies problem the other day but I realized it immediately so it was a quick fix and I was only confused for a minute or so. :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  5. After reading your post, I had no choice but to follow! I remember the days of the actual tag. Most of the time, I cut it out, but you can always tell where it used to be! What happens when the stamp tag fades? You have to pay more attention to getting dressed!


  6. Your undies story cracked me up! I am so thankful for center, too now that we just had 144 days. The kids love them, so I am going to continue to crank new ones out!

  7. Oh my word

    I love reading your blog post

    You alway crack me up

    love the undie store

    Ms Patterson

  8. Oh, I can't believe your undies were on backwards. I had a moment today with mine where I had to go behind my rolling cart, open the door, and do a little adjusting as fast as I could. It happens.
    I love that you are helping A and B go to college!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  9. hahaha I totally have done that before! Love the photos!


    Apples and ABC's

  10. Wedgies are not a nice start to the day! haha
    I love your EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION lesson. My boys would only see that as temptation to get some item of their own to stick up there for all time.
    Dragonflies in First

  11. ahhhh!!! My girls appreciate it!! :)
    and do you KNOW how often I put my undies on inside out??? lol!

  12. hahah I loved the [edgie... edgie...] I could almost hear the announcer echo!! hahaha. I love your new awards gadget pic- cute! :)

    Let's Teach Something

  13. Yes! Yes! Today is Friday! So happy about that!

    And glad you got that under-roo problem solved!

    Doodle Bugs Teaching
    Doodle Bugs Paper


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"