
Monday, April 23, 2012

Check out my Pop Stars!!!

Raise your hand.. many of you have that one child who always raises his hand
right after you say raise your hand,
but right before you tell him why?

 Whenever one of my two who usually does that
shoots their hand up there before they know why they are doing it,
 I finish the sentence with things like

...if you want to clean the bathroom.
...if you would like extra homework tonight.
...if you are going to let Miss Squirrels have your ice cream at lunch today.

those hands usually shoot down pretty quick!
I love being the grown up!

I started getting the pictures ready of Abby's Pop Rockin' Writing Unit together when
my charger died...fortunately, my new one came in the mail on Saturday!!!
So here is the product of her wonderful creation and my firsties' imagination.


  1. That's the cutest! I'm pinning it!I also love the idea of finishing "raise your hand..." with silly questions.

  2. wonderful job! I bought that unit but haven't done it...I better get my act together! how did you do that curly red hair at the bottom? totally CUTE!

    1. We cut it into strips and then wound then around a pencil....then...BOING!!!!!

  3. I wish I had that problem of kids raising their hands before I say why........ I'm lucky if I get a hand raised. More often I just have 12 people screaming at me!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"