
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Thank goodness for good "ju-ju"!

Thank you for your encouraging words last night and today-

I needed them.

I got so much bloggy love- I felt like I was accepting an award.

"I'd like to thank .........oh, I'm sorry- I don't have anything prepared. I wasn't expecting this.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to ALL of my Squirrel-Friends!"

hee hee

Kidding aside- today was a much better day.

Yes, I went to work (I know there was mention of *cough cough* me maybe not feeling so well- but I sucked it up and headed in).

I love my firsties- I guess yesterday was just one of those days!

There weren't any meetings, no visitors, no dance battles, and
I didn't have to make dinner!

I do have my work cut out for me when I get off of here tonight:

There is laminating film again at school- yeah!
So I laminated some of the centers from Jen R.'s Laura Numeroff Math and Literacy set. I still  have a few to print
(I print at home) but there is still smoke coming out of it from this batch- I just can't help it though- they are just so cute and colorful....oh yeah, they are educational, too:)

I also worked on my display right outside of my door after school today.
That is courtesy of another of my supreme favorites, A Cupcake for the Teacher.
Their umbrellas are still drying in the class- they will "frame" the board.

Isn't that so "punny"? (Chickadee always says that ...and my oldest son sings "Play on Words....I am raising eggheads)

Tomorrow is our "Friday" of the week...
I don't anticipate anything extraordinary, but that's when IT happens, when you don't expect it!!!

After school I have to rush to the dentist to get my retainer, head to the mall to get my nails done, try to find an outfit or two, and then come home and pack up the family for our Easter weekend trip....

I have made sure that our hotel has WiFi...

I don't think I could handle three whole days away from my blog and your blog and the, the, the...

whew- deep breaths-
see, I was starting to panic already just thinking about it~

Time to see what ya'll are up to this evening and then get to cuttin'!


  1. Hurrah for a good day! We need those, don't we??? I wish another beautiful day for you tomorrow. Then a fantastic Easter weekend.
    An Open Door
    P.S. Where do you get those fantastic squirrel photos? They always make me laugh!! Each time I think I have seen them all, you come up with a new one.

  2. wowwy! When you lay it out like that!! IS a pretty big unit though - I'm so excited to get to it!! I have mine all printed and laminated, just need to cut it all out now :)
    I hope you like them!!!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teacher's Cauldron

  3. Today is my Friday, too!! Hopefully it will be a good day for all of us!

    First Grade Magic

  4. So glad to hear your day was better. I am forcing myself to go into school this morning to get some stuff done. I have been on spring break and keep saying that I will do it tomorrow!! Have a great "Friday"~

  5. I didn't get a chance to read your previous post, but I am glad you had a wonderful day! Looks like your weekend will be filled with some fun (and blogging too).. (-;

    I use to cut out all the laminating pieces growing up (both of my parents were/are educators) and I am a pro at it! That unit looks awesome...GO JEN!!

    Well, have a great evening!

    The 3AM Teacher

  6. YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Head to my blog to find out what you have to do next!
    Second Grade Math Maniac Blog

  7. I must be weird- I actually like cutting out laminating! Maybe that's because I usually watch my TV shows and put off grading while I do it!

    I gave your blog the Lovely Blog Award! Come by and check it out when you get a chance!


  8. So glad it was a better day!!!!

    I tagged you too! :) Come on by to check it out! And have a great Easter weekend!!! :)


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"