
Friday, April 27, 2012

There's a Party Over Here!

Happy Friday, Ya'll!

Lots of buzz in the Squirrels 

Tomorrow is the MR's bday~
he is the baby of the family!

He'll be 37...that's all I can say about that right now,
{he is in the back on his computer , so I
don't want to potentially ruin his surprises- like he reads my blog....ha!}-

he does know about this:

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake!!!!!
 that is cooling,
so that it can be moved to the fridge...

only to LIVE IN MY BELLY!!!!

It smells so good!!!!!!!!!


(hee hee)

Today was the last day of testing in our district! hats are off to those women and men who are in those upper grades!
I hope you all have your feet up this evening and you are enjoying an adult-frothy-beverage!
You deserve it!

I know they don't want to think about anything "teachery" tonight-
and neither do I

(this seems to be a pattern for me at night lately)

I took a few screen shots for you all while I was shopping online the other day.
First, I will tell you what I bought and what I am waiting to receive.

The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game
 I have had my eye on it for a while and I couldn't put it off any longer.

It just looks so fun! I think I am going to add it to my rewards next year,
maybe they could use their coins to play with myself and 2 other friends???? we'll see-
it just looks fun- and I think I need it.

My other purchase....
He (yes he) is my new obsession


I heard his  newest song, liked it
so I Googled him

{you know how Googling throws me off track}

and I fell in love with his songs (reminds me of Sting)
Watch his video Somebody That I Used to Know
I am not sure what it is ...(I like the way his mouth moves...I know, weird)
but I am ga ga over him (his other videos are cool too) His CD is on its way to my mailbox.

Here are some interesting things I found while shopping. These things are real. And are really for sale.
Squirrel Cuff Links $150

"Load these Poopers up with candy and they release piles of fun" Yum?

I want to decorate my living room like this- I have something in my "cart"- too chicken to buy it.

Very Creepy! This is a garden decoration. Who made it? WHO WANTS IT???? {{{{{Shiver}}}}}
I love that it is "vintage", yet still under $5.00.

 Just the other day I was commenting to the MR how distraught I was that our letter  opener (don't have one) and our shoe horn (don't have one of those either) do not match. As soon as I have an extra $250 to throw away.... I am totally getting both of those....or maybe I will get 50 Vintage Fan Pulls and then have a giveaway..... I haven't decided yet.

This last one is my favorite-
mainly because of how lengthy the title is:
You know someone searched this then shouted "NOW MY COLLECTION IS COMPLETE!!!!!"

Ok, the Cheesecake should be ready for the fridge and I have to
finish getting things ready for when he wakes up tomorrow!
(You know I will take pictures!!!)


  1. YUM! That cheesecake looks yummy!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  2. Want some cheesecake - want it now!!!!!! My hubby's birthday was the 24th...he requests cheesecake every year. OF course I purchase mine...

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. Happy Birthday to the MR! And Your cheesecake looks fabulous!! Thanks for the "creepy" squirrels. :)

  4. YUM!! That cheesecake looks delicious--I would love some for breakfast right now!! I think Gotye sounds a lot like Sting too...I haven't seen the video yet, I have to go watch now :)

    Your squirrel finds are hysterical!

  5. Love Gotye! We have the squirrel it on clearance, my toddlers love it!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  6. That garden squirrel is creepy with that human like face lol.

    I love Gotye too :)

    And yummy looking cheesecake!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  7. Oh no.
    I hope you don't miss out.
    That is a LIMITED EDITION National Wildlife Federation Squirrel Figurine.
    I really hope you don't lose your chance to own it.
    I can paypal you some funds if you need to borrow...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  8. That cheesecake looks awesome. Love Gotye, too!

  9. I love Gotye too - did you perchance Google how to pronounce his name by the way? I still can't figure it out! The video is super...but you have to watch this one:

    and then this one:

    That garden squirrel is just scary!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

    They are hilarious!

  10. Oh. MY. HEAVENS!!
    Can I PLEEEEASE have some of that cheesecake!?!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"