
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I am calling this post
"Whatever?!?!? Wednesday"
There's some happy,
some sad,
some ridiculous,
some "really?!?!?"
and a little
Oh. Dear. Lord.

I knew I had to lay down the law today...
Yesterday we were a little cooped up. The playground is off limits till after 12pm -
so that we do not disturb testing.

I was a little more stern than usual.
I raised my voice (not yelling)
but assertive.

Assertiveness soon turned to begging.
I graveled,
I almost cried.

I just want the body snatchers to bring my children back!!!!

Was your day like this?

Well, what better way to end a stress filled day than to have some laughs
at my expense.

Let's see
The first thing that happened today...
my neighbor teacher brought in an orange slice
 to put in the bottom of the Butterfly Garden.

The Butterfly Garden is hanging from the ceiling.
I stick my hand in the side zipper,
a butterfly flutters by
and startled me!
So I dropped the orange slice...

He was pinned. I could only imagine what he was thinking
"I only get this body for two and half weeks and this clumsy {{{BEEEP}}}}
drops my food on me!!! I had so much to live for!!!!!"
(I don't know if you know this, but butterflies are known for their foul little mouths!
Don't be fooled by their dainty exterior.)

I got it off of him, he doesn't look so good. If he doesn't make it, I'll take him out,
say a few words and lie and tell the kids he had a family emergency and had to leave.

Ok, the second thing that happened to me today.

We have the eagle cam on during the day. I'll put it on the big screen during centers and at dismissal.
So it is up there, I am conferencing with a student about her writing portfolio, they are working,
things are going well...

then I look up.
At the big screen
and I let out that sound that new mom's let out when something is getting ready to happen to
their child.... you know the sound...
it is a combo "inhale/squeal/gasp" sound
and you are
rendered paralyzed momentarily
This is what I see....

Do you know how high up they make their nests?!?!? Good Gravy, Mama Eagle...if you can't get a handle on those babies, someone will be calling DES (Dept of Eaglet Services)...I mean come on-
Chickens have like 10 babies at a time and they are mobile- yours are in the nest all day and there are ONLY three...
pull. it. together.! Consider yourself warned.

(And yes, the 'Bleacher" in me....bleacher...blogging teacher...took a screen shot)

So the day drags on
Nothing speeds up your day like Clock Watchin'
With the alternate schedule, we are in the room after specials for 2 hrs vs. 35 mins ...makes for a long
But we made it.

I send them off to daycares, cars, and buses
and I am finally alone.
My boys went off to play with the other teacher's chittlin's
on the playground, I go next door to chat for a bit,
and then I was "ALL BY MYSELLLLLLFFFF" (sing it with me folks)

I'm checking Google Reader checking my school email,
thinking about linky parties lesson plans
hoping to enter and win some great giveaways find some great ideas for lessons
and I hear someone talking (to me).

Wow, people are talking loud outside my door.
I should check it out.
No one there.
Back to stalking work.

"chatter chatter, giggle giggle"

Is there an event? Are there children out front?
I should check it out.
No one there.
Back to blogging planning.

Ok, this is ridiculous- SOMEBODY is just being rude.
Wait, is it just in my head?
Am I the only one who can hear these voices?
OH NO!!!!! I have finally gone over the deep end.

I didn't see anyone there because
I've officially gone Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Hold on...
Let me follow that sound a little closer.
Closer....I'm getting warmer...warmer...
Found it!

The last firstie on the computer didn't exit out of Mega Math.
Headphones plugged in, sound is up...and the little puppy is calling out
for me to come join him!!
little chattering, giggling voices SOLVED!
Yeah! I'm NOT crazy!!!!

Whew! What a relief! 
I am so relieved that I am not crazy. Aren't you?

Alright, now get to bed, you have a lot of work to do


  1. We have been watching the Hawk and Heron cams at Cornell University. We are hooked and can't move away from the screen.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. I can relate to hearing voices. . . .one day we sat down at the rug for reading after work stations and I kept hearing voices. After several stern looks and reminders (I'll start as soon as everyone is quiet") I realized that it was coming from the listening center headphone that one of my kiddos had forgotten to turn off!

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  3. Our days are like that since we only have just over three weeks left! They don't want to seem to be quiet anymore! Also jealous you can get on Google Reader at your school, they have it blocked so I can't blog search during t he day. Hope your day is great!

    Down the learning road

  4. I almost killed a butterfly, as well. When I got to school there was one butterfly in the water dish. He wasn't moving at all. The first kid to see it had to inform every other child that came in the classroom, of course. I left him there in the water most of the day and finally decided I should take him out and throw him away. Well, as soon as I grabbed a wing, he started moving!! HE WAS ALIVE! I felt so bad that I didn't help him sooner. But he made a full recovery and flew away with his brothers and sisters a few days later!

  5. What a day for you! We are all a little stressed this week too. Last week of the big tests! Has made us all a little crazy.
    Conversations in Literacy

  6. I absolutely LOVE your post! I cracked up so much, I had to tell my boyfriend what was going on. Thank you for the AWESOME blog post.


  7. Awww you nutty little squirrel!
    DES ... too funny. My mom has a dove nesting outside her back door and she is convinced that bird has NO clue how to parent and her little chicks are gonna be destroyed via some sort of catastrophe.

    Today was a long, loud, {seriously. WHY can't the just be quiet for a teeny tiny bit?!}... did I mention long day? Thanks for the "pick me up".
    Dragonflies in First

  8. Has your week gotten any better? I think we all about a little bit of crazy cuckoo in us...we are teachers, right?


    Fun in Room 4B


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"