
Monday, April 16, 2012

Writing and Upcoming Giveaway

Hola Chicas!

I am very excited about writing/language this week.
The series has "How Sentences Begin and End". Really?
We have been in school for 148 days.
I would hope that they have a firm grasp on How Sentences Begin and End!!!!!!

I didn't take any pictures!
My phone was dead and my camera was on my desk at home.

But we started Abby's Pop Rockin' Writing Unit today.
I used a colorful gift box with ribbon. It is a little smaller than a pop tart box.
You would have thought I had brought in a box as big as the room.
They ooooo-ed and awwwwww-ed.

Lots of guesses-
one stinker did guess candy- but I am a no food room this year (two peanut allergies)

so one of them blurts out "You know she won't give us candy! 'Member? It aint her job to rot our teeth!"

(The things they 'member).

Anyhoo. The box is filled with packages of pop rocks....It is going to be so much fun!!! shhhhhh! they still don't know.

Now, if I can draw your attention over to the right-
 you will see that I am  only 3 lovely followers from being at 250.
That's 1.3888888889 followers per day since my blog started.
Some might think that  you can't have .3888888889 followers- but some of these ladies are teeny tiny! (I crack myself up!) Love you, Kristin!

I asked  3 of my  buddies- (I just tried to mix "blog" and "buddies" together, but it sounded like "bloodies"- just doesn't sound right. I wouldn't want someone to call me their "bloody")





 to help me celebrate....and guess what- they said yes! All three of them!

They are all three very generous
and there may or may not be
 a car and cruise being given away this time.....

ok, that's a lie.

But one of them is thinking of giving away $1000!!!

Ok, that's a lie, too.

There might be Tpt gift certificates, colorful units, and cutie pa-tootie coffee cozies.
There might be THREE winners!
There might be a chance that I will come to your house and perform hits from the '80s!

ok, the first two were true- but the last one was a lie....

I was just trying to buy your blogships 
 get you to come out and play!!!!

Well, I have a book to finish- my work is never done

another lie

My work is done and I get to read a book for fun!!!!!

Send a bud or two over here so I can get this giveaway going!!!!


  1. hehe! I want to win!! but you BETTER come perform too! :)

  2. ooooh! My old button...It keeps rearing it's head. Hey I am up and it is 5:30am we should totally text at the crack of dawn like old times!

    Can you copy and paste my new button for the giveaway post? I don't know how to fix my new button yet and haven't sat down to figure it out yet. Something about a lot of code that gets me down!

    Hope you get 2.675456 followers today!

  3. haha, another great post! You are awesome :) I'm ready spaghetti for this giveaway!!! Let's get it started in here- Black Eyed Peas style.


  4. Just found your blog, and so happy we did...just in time for a give-away!
    We don't have many followers, but we're happy to blog about your give-away when the time comes!

    You cracked us both up-

    We hope you can stop by and say hi!

    Jenna & Halle
    Across the Hall in 2nd

  5. Only one more after me! You're almost there. I am trying the same thing on my blog. I just started blogging and am 2 away from 50 followers. Why are we so caught up in these numbers? We are all crazy but still do it! Stop by and visit, bring your friends, and we can all share in the fun!
    Classroom Companion

  6. so funny
    I loved doing Abby's pop-rock unit with my class. It was so much fun.
    Dragonflies in First


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