
Friday, May 18, 2012

"Melting Children" Notes

Field Day has come and gone-
No one (in my class) was injured.
No one (in my class) threw up.
No one (in my class) melted.

However, there were a few of mine who were sure they were melting!
I informed them that "Melting Children Notes" were  much longer forms than the
standard "Nurse Note" that I have to fill out when they go. So I asked them to PLEASE be certain that you are melting
before you tell me you are hot and need to go in.
This seemed to work on our first round.
I kept them hydrated and amused (I did the obstacle course and got stuck in a hoop), I also juggled (scarves), and blew some awesome bubbles!
I was a little sad because  I didn't get a participation certificate for all of those wonderful bubbles that I blew.... (hee hee- for you Jennifer K)

I did get a little sun- but I was so sweaty (and if you are a petite, delicate flower, you make want to look away for a minute) that when I went to the restroom, I felt like I was trying to get into a wetsuit when I was done! I don't think I have ever been that hot and it was only 90 today.

I stayed until close to 7pm tonight-
Don't be jealous if I show you.....
I know, right?~? Look at how pretty and straight and organized that is.
Before you get too upset, thinking that I'm all perfect and everything- take a look at this: (Where's Holly's Good, Bad, Ugly Link?)
 The "sad face" in the bottom right corner says it all.
 It is becoming increasingly clearer that I have a container addition.

Look at all those baskets and boxes-
I pulled all of that out today and now I have until 7am Monday morning to get it all put back together because we have school for 1.5 more days.

Monday we have awards and they are going to use their last batch of coins to go shopping for the last time!
Since they do not have any time left to use Be Proud Read Alouds or Fuzzy Friends, I decided to change it up.
Remember- I am a no food- no candy room, so this is going to blow their minds.
I purchased almost $75 worth of candy and party favors.
There are bubbles, girly girl stuff and guy stuff.
so there will be desks marked with prices and limits
I am going to decorate some boring baskets  and let the children use them.
$.25 for bubbles, $.10 for sunglasses, $.03 for a piece of candy, etc....

Chickadee is going to go with me Sunday to set it up and to make sure that everyone has at least $2 worth of coins in their cups.

I'll be sure to have some pics of the store once it is complete and they are ready to shop!

Also remember there are only  a couple more days left to vote

Accelerated Degree Programs


  1. I love your blog and woot woot for freebies! I am your newest follower, a new blogger, and a new Teachers Pay Teachers junkie. Come on over to my blog and maybe you could follow me too!

    Enchanted Tales of Elementary School

  2. You have a container addiction? Oh, me too~!!

    Just dropped in via a link to check out your blog. :o)

  3. OK, that made me laugh . . . melting children . . . I was thinking "melt down" when I read the title since I'm the counselor . . . our field days are next Thursday and Friday . . . in TX . . .So. Hot. I may have to use your melting mantra with my teachers.

    The Corner On Character

  4. I am TOTALLY jealous! Your organization looks awesome- can't wait to see more pictures of it! :)

    Melting kids cracked me up. I carried around a spray bottle during our field day, and we added in some games like sponge tag or water relays- helped SO much!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. Just found you adorable blog! Im now following!!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog
    My TpT Store

  6. What? You didn't get a Bubble Blowing Award!? I can't believe the nerve of your school! You should have gotten a certificate, a ribbon AND a trophy at least!

    Yay for the organization too - do you get to leave everything in your room or do you have to take it home? I plan to organize this summer...if I actually get around to it this year! I usually pack it all up in a jumbled mess and stick it in my garage where my husband then shuffles it around and puts it in inaccessible places which I then use as an excuse not to touch it until August!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten


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