
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What-the-Heck??? Wednesday

It's that time again!

What the heck do you do when you know your "unannounced" eval is coming?

Do you go with:


I prefer fresh, myself. You know the kind that is on scope and sequence. And it's meaningful. And your students are engaged and it's about them. And their heads aren't spinning because they don't understand why in the world you are doing this again????
Do you stay with your plans or do you set aside that stand -by canned lesson?

Walk into my room unannounced~ and it's like walking in the front door of Publix.

Nope, not to the right- that's the bakery- go straight-
there you go- now you are in the fresh produce.

(And like F. Gump- That's all I have to say about that:)

What the heck are the printer people thinking?

Will my ink cartridges EVER sync up??  So frustrating!

Why the heck can't I have this hair?
I bet if I had it, I would want it to be straight though.

Why the heck does mama look so mean?
I would be the BESTEST eaglet EVER if my mama looked like that- maybe I need to master that look!!

Who the heck designed this awesome hall display?

Ok, I'll admit was me!
We (the team) did tape it up together.

If we have a fire drill tomorrow- I will be UBER ticked will really mess this up- but it only has to stay pretty for Arts and Authors Night tomorrow.

Who the heck is this sexy mama??

hee hee
I was playing on Photobucket. I NEED my own SKA- WHIRL!!!!
I am going to send out a request to those wonderful artsy ladies who make clipart...

Nothing "Squir-sonal" free clip art website ....but this Miss needs to feel "Squir-sonalized"...

I think I need a makeover.

Seven and a half days.

(My "I-SEE-RED,PEOPLE" issue from yesterday IS in this post....  I have just calmed down a bit:) )

Tomorrow I will show you how those organizers worked out- there is some fantastic writing on my wall!!!


  1. I love What the Heck Wednesday!! Awesome barn/door display!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. Genius boy and I are still laughing at your sexy squirrel! OMGoodness! HILARIOUS.
    I prefer fresh lessons for eval.....just saying. Or I would be busting out with snowman measuring in March if I didn't....

  3. I seriously cheered when I saw this on my blog roll! I definitely had a "what the heck Wednesday"!

  4. Ha! This is cracking me up!!!
    I love those barn doors!!!! It's right up my alley for Open House!! Except we do not have a hallway. :(
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. Toooo funny! I didn't get the seeing red target but glad you have calmed down:) I about woke up the still sleeping fam (early here) when I saw the eagle comment! Too funny! I think I have given that look a few times before...teehee...

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. Love reading your "What the heck Wednesday"! Love the barn decorations!!

  7. I had my unannounced eval today but I knew it was coming. I still did what I was planning on doing today anyway. I try to really hard to be th same regardless of who is in my room. If you come in, what you see is what you get on a day I didn't know you were coming.
    Can you send me the dropbox info again? I had a moment where I had wished I was using dropbox but I can't find your email on it.

  8. Okay, that barn is precious!! Love it! You truly crack me up!!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  9. I agree, fresh is best! I was at Hobby Lobby today and saw a squirrel figurine and thought of you lol! I want hair like that too, but I wouldn't know what to do with it - probably just wear it in a pony tail which would be a waste! Your hallway looks awesome - I might steal that idea for next year's Back to School night! Hey, I just posted a giveaway, stop by and enter please!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten


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