
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yeah! Inside Recess!

Inside Recess was  AWWWWWWesome today!
{Write that down because those words will never come out of my mouth again!}

I am so glad that it rained last night!

Recess was an extra 17  8 minutes today so that everyone got a chance to play.

(I love how little man's m&m shirt is all like "Oh, I'm worried about that Sneaky Snacky Squirrel!")

When you say it though- you have to pronounce it this way SKA- WHIRLLLLLLL!

I totally DOMINATED won a couple of times and I was all like IN YO FACE!!! Good Game, Thanks for Playing.

Ask the MR and the Littles- I am a sore loser- but an even WORSE winner.

We have 14.5 days left- that's it.

14.5 days to put a pretty ribbon on first grade.

14.5 days to make sure they have all learned what they were supposed to learn.

14.5 da--....

...dream sequence....

.....sorry I drifted off into my daydream where my cabana boy is bringing me ANOTHER Mai Tai and asking if I need more lotion......

...ok, I'm back.
 I never get to stay in my daydream long enough to find out his name!!!

 I have to get my tail in gear and get some 1/2 day sub plans done for Thursday afternoon-

I'll see you all tomorrow night- I have some exciting pics of completed showcase portfolios to share:)


  1. I'm a horrible person to play games with. If I don't think I'm going to win- I cheat. And even if I think I'm going to win, I cheat anyway just to make my win even sweeter! BUT, I am honest about it- before we start the game, I always tell my friends that I cheat and it's OK since I was upfront and honest. right?

    and I loved the lil M&M guy- hilar.

    Let's Teach Something

  2. ok - I don't even do indoor how horrible am I? haha

    BUT I really came over to tell you THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! LOVE my cozies!!! And the mustache is FAB-U-LOSO!!! My husband totally laughed when I told him all about the mustache you a question thing going on around here - thanks to farley :)

    Totally can't wait to use them!!! You should seriously start selling them on etsy! :)

  3. Awww I have been eyeing that snacky squirrel game forever! I totally want it for my class! I usually let my class win if we play games but I have to be very tricky because they're starting to catch on. Even with that game I would never say indoor recess is awesome though! I saw something squirrelly today and thought of you but now I can't remember what it was! We have 15 more days now and then I will be joining you for those Mai Tais!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten


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