
Monday, June 4, 2012

Currently Anxious!


We don't want anyone to know I am in the office on the "puter-com" (that's what Chickadee used to call it)

If I get busted (by anyone) it could be ugly.

I have so much left to do-

I am almost done packing-
I can't zip it up for good because I know I will forget something.

I have already planned all of their meals for the time I will be gone.
I have finished most of their laundry.
I have made a list of a few things to pick up tomorrow.

With all that I have left to do- I couldn't stop thinking about the blank Currently template that was on
my desktop- so I had to come in here and fill it out.

 (I am also loving that in a few days I get to meet our lovely Currently creator face to face) YEAH!!!!

 But I am starting to get nervous.
Remember how freaked out I was about the TN meet up- and how I was going to get there and not have to drive it?
Well, I have no worries about driving to the airport- that's covered.
My transportation once I get there is covered.
And I don' t think I run much risk of them asking me to fly the plane....oh dear Lord, I hope not-
Great, now I've given myself SOMETHING ELSE to worry about!!!

It actually isn't the plane at all- it's the airport-
I have never flown alone before.

I'm a big girl.
I am in charge of up 24 separate people throughout my day-
but for some reason I am getting very anxious about taking care of myself at the airport.

The MR says I am too old to have one of those attendants accompany me.
And he thinks  a note pinned to my shirt will make me look too vunerable.

Maybe I'll have to wake Reagan up early (she loves getting texts from me at 5:30am- even if I DIDN'T send it then- love ya!)
and I will make her Face Time with me the whole time and she can be my eyes and ears and direct me to the right place.

I have to skadaddle.....I hear footsteps......

 now go link up with Farley



  1. You will be fine at the airport! I flew all by myself once and I felt like a cool adult. Haha!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

    1. I don't mean to sound "flighty" (pun intended) but I let him do all that stuff and I usually just corral children. :)

  2. Have a great time! You will be a fine at the airport. I don't think you need to worry about having to fly the plane :)

    Thinking Out Loud

    1. I have seen Top Gun like 10 times and Snakes on a Plane once....I can help out if they need me:)

  3. Sometimes it's nice to have someone take care of you, but you can do it. You must because it's the meet up of a lifetime...and I'm jealous!

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings
    The Honey Bunch Blog Design

    1. It is going to be weird- but I am going to have to put on my Big Squirrel Pants and just do it!
      I am so excited about going- maybe my excitement will over rule the freak out!

    2. Erika that was so sweet! Where do you live?

  4. you are so funny!!! I can't wait to meet ya... you will do fine at the airport!!! PLUS i think we are having a pre-party You me and Tunstall YAY!!!

  5. You will be fine on the airplane:) Have a blast! Reagan told me you guys were all gonna hop a jet and come crash our blogger meet up on Sunday;)) Wow wouldn't that be awesome!!!
    p.s. you didn't link up with your craft:/ I'm sad....I'm you see????? lol
    You guys better take lots of pics!! :)

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. I have all the faith in the world in you! And if I can do the airport, I know you can! :)
    Have the best time ever! I am so jealous!

  7. 1 more day!!! Breath, call me, and it will all be ok.

  8. Replies
    1. There should be like a nat'l convention of teacher bloggers-
      maybe we should get Jen R and Tara to plan it:)

  9. Squirrels!! I so wish I could jet set out to meet- up with all you guys!!! I flew on a plane for the first time when I was 16 with my best friends to South Padre Texas- by ourselves... and that was so scary!! So, if I can do it when I was 16- you can totally do it now!!

    And the pre-party with Farley and Reagan!! Tell me all about it!! Represent the Staci's for me! :)


  10. ive been wanting to go to Texas to see my favorite team Cowboys play!! im your newest follower...drop by =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  11. Replies
    1. I couldn't find your follower gadget. I definitely want the updates on the trip to TN


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