
Monday, June 11, 2012

My Nutty Adventure

It is with very mixed feelings that I "blog"
tonight from my desk
in my office
in my house
 in my state

I LOVE that I got to hug my Littles and the MR hello last  night
but I was so sad to hug Reagan and her Littles goodbye yesterday!!!

I seriously cannot remember when I had so much fun
so many days in a row-
there is no way I can post everything-
it would have to be it's own blog!

(Just wait until WHAT THE HECK Wednesday-
I took notes in the airport-
and I was there for a long time
so it's a lot of notes )

First, let me tell you some small deets about the trip
We start this adventure with me waving goodbye to Tn.

This was where I met Judy.
Oh Judy, Judy, Judy.

I was rather proud of myself for traveling alone- although I was walked to the security gate at one airport and met at the baggage claim at the other:)

It was like a scene from a romantic comedy-
When we first saw each other we ran across a field of daises and embraced in a hug!
ok, not really
but we were uber excited to be face to face.

And after we talked we didn't have to enter codes into boxes to prove we weren't robots- so that was AWESOME!

After we had a DEE-LISH lunch we headed to the Tunstall Hacienda
where I was greeted with this:

 Is that not the BEST drawn squirrel you have ever seen?
M. made it for me:) She is very artistic-

It is now in my office and will live there forever:)

This is where my first dinner in Texas came from:

Don't let the name fool you- it was yummy:)

(insert lots of laughs, stretchy elastic pants and LOTS of chocolate here)

We spent day 2 shopping. I loathe shopping.
I love shopping for "stuff"
but I don't like shopping for clothes- bleck!
I bought one pair of capri pants ( which were iffy- but I was running
low on choices)
and yarn.
I know.
I'm a rebel~

We ate at Red Robin.
We don't have one of those- so it was a first for me-
very yummy

 (insert lots of laughs, stretchy elastic pants and more chocolate here)

 Then it was make over day.....whoop whoop
We tried to take a BEFORE picture together
but it was bad
I mean like worse than BEFORE
I looked like Reagan's crazy Aunt Betty from Far, Far Away
Far, Far Away is where Shrek lives.
(get the picture?)

But I did take a picture with my phone
So this is BEFORE-

That is one shiny forehead.
 This is DURING-

I sent my Littles this pic and told them that this was where Reagan made me sleep and she was probing my brain.
and this is AFTER-

Love it???? Me too!
Hee hee
Here is the real AFTER-

(I couldn't find my green bow)
So I am very happy with it-
until I go to sleep and then wake up-
because then look like a crazy lady!

Then we went home to rest up

(insert lots of laughs, stretchy elastic pants, more chocolate, and some crocheting here)

We did a Pre Meet up and I got to meet Swersty!
She is adorable-
Reagan and Swersty took me to downtown San Antonio and I got to see the Alamo!!

Hold on this one is really blurry....

Wait, I got distracted by this man walking his child...

Darn it....a tree!

Crap! Another Tree!!! It should be right here in the next one!

Really? Seriously?

OK, there it is...and then the light changed and it was gone.

Reagan, Me, Swersty
Why am I a totally different color than them?
I am like pink....
Aren't they adorable?
Swersty and I played a game called "Do You Have That in Tennessee?"
Most of them were "yeses"- there were a few "nos".

We enjoyed yummy food- adult frothy beverages and then a very, scary walk
down the river walk back to the car.
I actually googled "How many people  fall into the riverwalk every year"
there are quite a few hits.
Luckily my name wasn't on any of them.

And then home, sleepy time....

And then the Meet Up Day-

Swersty and I - she looks too cute so I will no longer be including her in this post...hee hee

Lots of pollen in the air- they were trying not to sneeze...

Just kidding- Isn't Reagan so cute- and her highlights look FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

This is my finger- it shows up in pics at all the best parties!

Lorraine and Farley- we laughed so hard I snorted. Loud. No more adult frothy beverages.
 It was great to meet them both- We rode there together too- so glad than none of them were creepy old men who wanted to hold us hostage in their cellars (that is what my mom thought)- i assured her that meeting
people over the internet is COMPLETELY SAFE!!! NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS AND THERE AREN'T ANY WEIRDOS OUT THERE!!! :) (insert initials know which ones) lol

Swertsy- with her meet up door prize- I cropped out her cuteness (refer to prior statement)

Crystal is Hilarious! She had me in tears.
 (Look at Farley's phone- it is kind of like the Land o Lakes butter label- where the image goes on forever...)

See what I mean? She's holding the picture who's holding the picture who's holding the picture.....

This is censored group photo-
I was waving to Lorraine's son and it looks like I am giving the Gristmill the bird in some of the other ones-
to defend myself- I don't give the bird-

(I am laughing so hard right now trying to decide if I am going to take that out )

Kreative in Kinder
Crystal has a great post about the meet up that matches names with faces and blogs.

It was a great day.
It turned into one very steamy night, too.

Not what you are thinking.
I am old and my clothes
weren't breathable- so I got all steamy while we were walking..

(insert lots of laughs, stretchy elastic pants and the last of the chocolate here)

 This is the last picture I took in Texas.
Sad Face.

When I hugged them goodbye and got dropped off at the airport- I felt like I was leaving family.
(You know, the family that you LIKE to visit- not Scary Aunt Betty from Far Far Away family!)

Her Mr and her Littles and her furry friends were the bestest-
(Thank you Genius Boy for teaching me how to use my phone)!!!!

I was one lucky lil ska-whirl to have had such a nutty adventure!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing your entertaining Texas tales.
    Fun times.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. Holy moly I laughed I cried best post ever!!!!!!!!!! I adore you!!!!!!!!

    1. I think my best memory will be of our visit to the Alamo :)

  3. Bwhahaha! You are so funny! I had so much fun and it was great to meet you in for real life!!

  4. What an adventure! Glad you had a fantabulous time!

  5. You crack me up! I loved meeting you! I would like to suggest that you move to Texas please. I think Reagan would love let you and your little squirrel family move in. I would offer but then I would have to clean and I am just to lazy for that right now. I will offer to buy our frothy drinks at least every weekend. By the way, how the heck did you get my number? LOL!
    I love ya friend (Wow, never said that to a strange squirrel before)
    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies

  6. This is fabulous! Loved every single second of this post.
    Love ya!!!!!

  7. That was a super quick visit to the Alamo. LOL

    Your whole visit sounds like heaps of fun.

    ps. I put my word verification in the bin. I had NO idea that it was even on.

  8. Wowzers! Looks like you had an UH-MAZE-ING time! I'm so jealous! Your post was so funny (as usual). Thanks for sharing your trip with us!


  9. Your hair is gorgeous! I loved reading this post :) I am sooo jealous though lol! I am bound and determined we will meet up some day!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats in Kindergarten

  10. I had no idea you were in TN! I am too!
    BEST Practices 4 Teaching

  11. I had no idea you were in TN! I am too!
    BEST Practices 4 Teaching

  12. Oh my!! I did see the picture of you flicking the bird somewhere out there in blogland (or what looked like you flicking the bird)and cracked up lol! Looks like you gals had a great time at your meet up!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  13. HILARIOUS!!! and I LOVE the pic of me... it was so great to meet you and it was so AH-SOME to share in the adventures in Gruene!!!love ya


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"