
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Easy Peasy as Mac & Cheesey Linky

Happy Sunday~!

I wish this Sunday were a happier one for me-
 but it is not so.

I go back tomorrow.

I'll pause while you wipe your tears.

Thank you- I can feel your support.

I am actually not required to go back until Thursday-

but I have things to do in the room- as we all do-
I know you feel my pain.

And since we are  all going to be uber busy during our daytime hours
we all need our evening hours to go smoothly-

So I decided to start a linky that will help our evenings out- just a bit.

It's the Easy Peasy as Mac & Cheesey Linky...

I'm a cornball, I know-
but I got several emails from bloggy friends who tried the
Turkey Roll recipe and loved it!
Some even sent pictures! (Jennifer K. your Turkey "burritos" looked yummy!!)

I consider this to be "our" linky, but since it is going to live
on my blog I ask only a few things. Three things to be exact- remember?
This is Easy Peasy as 1, 2, Threesey! (Ok that was a bit much, I know).

First- make sure it's EASY! Minimal prep and cook time.

Second- add a recipe with common ingredients ( if we are going to
eat it, we should be able to pronounce it)


Third- Pictures are completely optional- but we all know that we
are senseory motivated creatures- so if we like the way it looks, we'll try it.
I do ask though that even if you do add pictures to be sure that somewhere
in your post you have all the info in one place so that we can easily copy and paste.
1 cup blah blah blah
1/2 tsp barbity blarb blarb
a dash of bleepity bleep bleep

Cook on ????  for ????
(And please be sure to credit the chef if it isn't your original recipe).

I look forward to trying lots of deliciously easy recipes!


  1. Awesome idea - I posted an easy soup recipe previously. Mind if I link up with that previous post?
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

    1. Sure! That makes it even more Easy Peasy for you:)
      Thanks for linking up!

  2. This is a great idea! I will definitely check back to get some ideas!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  3. Oh my gosh! I'm totally in! But I need a day or two to decide on a good recipe! :)

    A Pirates Life for Us

  4. Ohh... I have lots of easy recipes, but I don't think I have pictures...

    But I'm still gonna link up!

  5. What a great idea for a linky! I am such a foodie, I could not resist this one! And, of course, I just had to follow you and grab your button! {Sounds so fresh! :)} Thanks a bunch!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"