
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tell Me More Linky

Tell you more???
 I feel like I have told ya'll everything already!!!
Okay- maybe not everything-
I don't have access to pics of when I was a wittle ska-whirl
(except for those
few that you have already seen)
so I am starting from when
the MR was just the BOYFRIEND

First- me before becoming a baby factory-
That's me on the left.

This is me and Rick Astley...ha hah- "Never gonna give you up. never gonna let you down...."
nope that's the MR (in his pre MR years)

This is shortly after we became the PARENTS
That's me and Chickadee- she was such a happy girl-
I was 24. Love love loved being a mom!

That's him- also loving being a parent- even when we had to play "Where's the baby?!?!?" Do you see her???

We took her to DC-
This is when we were those young parents.
We heard "Your baby lost her shoe" in EVERY language that day!

Chickadee gets a little bigger.... blah blah blah

Chickadee is around two now-
I have changed my hair a little-
He is still "Rick Rollin'"

Even then- he thought he was hilarious!
There she is !
Aw- that hair was UNRULY!!!!
Can you see who she is holding? Look how pretty and bright he was:)
Can you see what is hanging on the closet door? (Check out How this squirrel got her name in the archives)
Chickadee has grown 5 more years!
J. is the littlest little at this point- he doesn't understand that the
great big belly he is leaning against contains the NEW littlest little!!

I absolutely loved being preggers!
Right after we found out that #3 was coming, we bought a home.
My oldest son had a HUGE obsession with Bob the Builder-
here he is building our fence with the MR.

Wow- this is the last picture that was ever taken of the three of them together where at least two were smiling and no one was giving bunny ears to anyone.
That was 8 years ago.

Somewhere in all that craziness, I went to college, got my degree student taught and landed a K job for three years- then three in first grade.

Everyone already knows that I am a weirdo-
this will drive it home:

I can't touch chalk.

My feet can't touch other people's feet. No footsies for me- icky ka ka!!

I freak out when my socks get wet- they have to be changed immediately!
THANK goodness it's summer!

(Wow- I am starting to sound like a cuckoo bird)

I will drive an extra mile to turn at a light vs. having to make a left hand turn without one.
The littles have been known to say, "I wanted ice cream...but it's on the left- maybe next time."

No one else can touch my bar of soap- BLECK! Don't get my soap dirty!!!

I LOVE boiled peanuts- everyone else in my family hates them and can't stand to even
look at them!!

(I'm trying to think of some stuff that won't make me weirder....I can't think of anything!!!)

I leave you now with one of my FAVORITE pics of Littlest Little-
he will absolutely die if he finds out I put it on here- but I figure what the heck-
what's he gonna do? tell on me????
His not-so-little booty and chubster legs kept him from being able to walk until he was almost 14 months!!!!

 Can't wait to make the rounds and get to know you all a little more too!

Head over to Amy's to link up!


  1. Ohmygoodness. I don't even know where to begin with my love for this post. Great pics, great everything... and I LOVE that last picture!! :)

    A Day in First Grade

    1. His chunky booty is gone now- sniff sniff--- I'm the only one who has one now!

  2. You crack me up every time! :) I love love love reading your posts! You are not weird... Ditto on the feet, turning left, and boiled peanuts. You need to put littlest-littles pic in his senior yearbook!

    1. Oh that would be (bad) AWESOME~
      I Figured it should be in the slide show at his wedding reception too!

  3. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I hear ya about not make left-hand turns. Love the pics!

    The Busy Busy Hive

  4. Hate wet socks and love salty boiled peanuts (what southern girl doesn't)? I'm a new follower. Stop by mine if you get a chance.
    Primary Paradise

  5. Your pictures are priceless. Love the picture of the missing shoe.

  6. I can do the left turns but I cannot touch chalk or be in the room with anyone using it. Chalk is worse than Love your posts!

    :) Nancy

    Joy of Kindergarten

  7. That booty pic is awesome! Talk about future leverage opportunities :) And oh my goodness that ball pit pic is hysterical - you almost lost her! The DC shoe thing is also hilarious - whenever we have to buy a new baby gift my husband always votes for socks and shoes because they are forever losing them (and I can't stand seeing bare baby feet out in public! Cover those tootsies up! It's cold by the refrigerated food aisle people!) So glad you linked up :)

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

    1. We are the same way about shoes and socks!!! It drives me crazy- my friends are like "well she can't walk yet"
      Doesn't matter- shoes shoes shoes!!! :)

  8. Awww! I loved learning more about you. I feel like I know you now. :-)

    1. I feel closer to you, too!
      I would feel even closer if I had a yummy BBQ and some caramel cake!!

  9. I'm strange about my soap as well. That is the reason that I use liquid soap and liquid bodywash. I feel like soap gets dirty too easily!

  10. Loved reading along and learning about you and chalk is totally icky! I concur. :)

    The Teaching Thief

  11. Oh geez, I love, love, loved this post! You and your family and complete cute patoots.
    Growing Firsties


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