
Monday, August 13, 2012

Made it Monday!!

It is Monday.

Monday the Fun Day! (said no person EVER)!
That was for Hadar:)

The fun thing about today though is-
I am posting some pictures of all the work I have been doing in my room.

I have been gettin' my craft on-
At one point I was pulled over by the
Craft Cops-
they pulled up in their tiny Craft Cruiser
Out of their loud speaker they yelled
"Ma'm, please back away from the glue gun!"

I dropped the gun, threw my hands in the air and prepared to be
only to find out that the Craft Cops DO NOT exist...
imagine my embarrassment:)

Do you have one of those weird little rectangle windows in your door?

I do.

And for a few years there has been a curtain on it.
I made the curtain.
I could never decide which way to turn it....
do I get to see the pretty
side or does the outside get to see the pretty side??

Last week I solved "that thar" dilemma!

And you can too....
and you don't have to sew!!

Some of you may know that I decided to change EVERYTHING
in my room, one week before school started.
So this project is done with two of the fabrics for my "new" room.

First here is the finished product
(gotta have a goal)

Take the two fabrics you are going to use and put them both
"pretty side" in (facing each other)
I folded the edges over (about an inch)
and just ironed a nice crease
(yes, I said "iron"- please forgive me)

After I got nice creases, I pulled them apart.
Leave the bottom fabric on the board (in my case it was the floor)- don't laugh, but
I don't even OWN an ironing board!!
One of the Littles actually asked, "Who did you borrow that from?"
when he saw me take it to school!

Back to the craft-
You have pulled them apart, now take the fabric that was on the inside and lay it
on top of the piece that is still on the board.
Ok, now the "pretty sides" are both on the outside.
See that BEE-U- Ta-ful bottle of fabric glue sitting there?
Take that and run it along that inside crease that you made.
I pressed it with my fingers first-
then ironed it again (note to self- and all others....Do not let that iron
sit too long in any one spot)

OKay-I hung it over a chair to dry
But look at how clean those edges are!!
I couldn't have sewn it better myself!
Mainly because I am really not feeling bringing that
huge honkin' sewing machine to work-

So now  no matter what side you are on, you get to see the "pretty side"!
I plan to have lots more pictures of all the stuff I have changed and made and painted and sewn glued later this week-
but for now I have just a few.... I've got to get my squirrels all in a row (and that my friends, is much harder than ducks!)

I made a new rotation chart for my centers. It is pretty much the same as the red and black one that i had
last year- but now it matches the room.
Here's how it works-
I place your clip (clothes pin- one of the Littles is painting them white for me right now so they are not on there)
on a ribbon, let's say on Monday- you know- THE FUN DAY!
ANyway- If I place your clip on the first ribbon, then you are in center 1 for math and center A for reading. Tomorrow I will move your clip over one- and they rotate that way. They do not move the clips- later in the year, they will have choices about where they go- but not yet.

Today we practiced rotating with empty centers.
I did not want materials in their hands yet- Procedure, procedure, procedure...
they went through the motion of walking to the centers,getting their center, sitting down in  a comfy spot, opening, pretending to work, I called for putting them away and then they went back to their seats.

These are the centers:
The letter or number is on the wall at the rotation chart, on the center box, and on the shelf so that you know where to put it when you are finished.

Some of you are saying
That is cool- but I have students who are not in the same level for math as they are for reading, so that would not work for me-
when the boxes are filled with materials- the activities inside are tiered- so they will know which  one of the three activities in the box they will need to be working on.

I have soooooo much I have done- but still some left to do-
I will post more as I finish.

AND I will be posting WTH Wednesday!

Head over to Tara's to link up with Made it Monday!!


  1. I love the curtain! I cannot sew at all but I can iron and glue. Can't wait for WTH Wednesday!

    Thinking Out Loud

  2. I love your curtain! We have a huge window in our doors-- but I think we need to keep them uncovered.
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. where's the upside down photo...I was totally holding out.

  4. Oh my! I wouldn't get much work done staring at those perfectly coordinated center boxes. Love those!
    And I don't have a weird window on my door, but I am considering hanging up some glue-sewn fabric just because yours looks so cute!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  5. I LOVE the curtain...Pinning!!! I just have a small square window. Right now it has the fire escape route paper covering it. (It was the first thing I could find at the last lock down drill.) Your helpful "made it" will be a much more adorable solution.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  6. Do you have a way to roll it up when you need the window uncovered?


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"