
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mastering Grades AND WINNERS

To grade or not to grade?
That is the question.

How many times do you have  a sweetie practice something before you
"take a grade"

I do.
We do.
You do.

I get that part- but when do you decide-
okay, this one is for realsies...I'm grading this one.

And how do you grade?
Do you even use letter grades or are you checking for mastery?
Are you weighted? Do you do "points"?

Does everyone on your grade level do it the same exact way?

After you see who the winners are from day two-
AND enter everything for Day 4-
Leave me some feedback- PAH-LEESE...?!?!?

I am looking for some direction here-
with CCSS we have sooooo much time now to cover something- how many times do I grade them for the same skill???
Just needing some teacher love

Newest Winners:

I originally planned on only 5 a day- but the bloggy cup of love runneth over- so tomorrow while I am waiting for Chickadee to get home from the Homecoming Game I will post TEN items!!!

So first from Donna at

I have a very special place in my squirrely lil heart for Donna. She was one of the first blogs I followed- and I emailed her a question and she wrote me back- and I remember thinking- BLOGGING is SO Amazing- Thank you, Donna!!

Donna's Description:
This is a comprehensive and FUN 161 page unit that has pieces for small group instruction, whole group instruction and independent literacy centers. There is also a component that can be copied and sent home for parents to help their children with initial sound fluency! The activity boards can be used on a powerpoint or smartboard.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Michelle from  Just Wild About Teaching has created:

Just Wild About Teaching

Michelle's Description:
Ready for Johnny Appleseed day? This packet has everything you need to introduce Johnny Appleseed to your kiddies... It's def. a packet you will save to reuse.

This packet includes:

Craftivity Stencils/Directions
2 Quizzes (for Social Studies grade or can be used also as just worksheets)
Fun Facts Sheet
Writing/primary/secondary/color and b&w
Letters to Johnny
Fun recipe
Picture Flash Cards
Word Search

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Maggie from

Maggie's Description:
This is the second in a series that supports the CCSS for Kindergarten Math. Numbers in the teens, place value, creating and counting groups, and estimation are featured activities.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Holly from

Holly's Description:
I can't wait to use this product in my own classroom and I just know it will make my kiddos {and yours} feel special! In those early years lots of teeth are lost - help celebrate this important milestone in a youngster's life in a simple yet sweet way.
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Susan from

is offering any item from her TPT store! TGIS...Thank Goodness It's Susan!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ashley from

is offering:

Ashley's Description:
Upon request, I've broken up my larger "Literacy Centers For Fall" Packet into smaller ones.

This one is Harvest Themed and can be used throughout fall.

Harvest Theme: (Can use throughout fall)
Noun/ Verb Word Sort
ABC Order
Rhyme Time
Sentence Scramble
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck to everyone-

Check back tomorrow- there will be lots more to giveaway!!!!


  1. Thank you so much for all you do to help give all of us ideas and resources!! You are AWESOME!

  2. We are held captive by Power Grade, we don't grade a lot of things in first but all things we do grade have to be a percentage or points that translate into a letter grade. For me, I usually work on things all week and then give several assessments on Friday morning. I am looking for mastery on certain things, especially if they have been taught three or four weeks. Good Luck, Jill

  3. I grade when they've done it independently and I think they've *mostly* got it. Occasionally, that means I start to grade something and then decide that it's not fair to take a grade because a majority of the class needs reteaching. If most of the class understands, though, I feel comfortable taking a grade at that point.

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"