
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Great Minds Think Alike!!!

Have you been shopping yet?

I. Can't. Stop. Filling. My. Cart.

I had to take a break!
The MR asked "How much do you need?"

I calmly answered, "ALL! I NEED IT ALL!"
The only thing that has saved my bank acct is the fact that I had to work today!!

If you promise to keep a secret, I will tell you one-

I'm going back tonight!

Because the sale is going on today too!!!

There are a few things that I didn't get last night that I have thought about all day.
Those things will haunt me if I don't go back and get them.

I was going through some of the items that I purchased last night and I noticed something that I thought was a super co-inky-dink.

So many of the packs/units that I fell in love with have similiar elements-

Falling into First
Falling into First
First Grade and Fabulous
First Grade and Fabulous

Did you see them?

I noticed it in the credits-
lots of the fonts, papers, and borders are the work of these two
Teacher Extraordinaires!
Tessa Maguire

Jessica Stanford
Not only are they creating awesome activities for us to use in the class- they are also designing the fonts, borders, and papers that many of the other teachers are using to create with!

If you are feeling creative, head over there to each of their stores and stock up while it's all on sale!!

Jessica's Store

Tessa's Store

I have already printed out my teacher rewards for ink so that I can get everything printed and get my month planned out!!

If you haven't taken advantage of the sale yet head over there-
This is it.
It's the last day.
For Realsies.
They aren't kidding!!

While you are planning for your holiday, don't forget to pick up a few things that can be used year-round as well....
I just happen to have such a thing..... (no co-inky-dink there)

Happy Shopping!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lies, Lies, Lies...

What up!?!? It's been over a week-

I haven't been around because I have been so busy getting school work done.

(That's a lie).

I haven't been around because I have been spending quality time with the Littles.

(That's another lie).

I haven't been around because I have been getting my house ready for the holidays and finishing shopping.

(That's yet  another lie).

OK, I haven't been around because I have been busy eating 6-10 meals a day,
rotating into comfy "kajama" pants,
filling up my coffee cup,
 shifting from one spot to another in the living room,
 taking a number for my turn to take a nap,
hiding from the Littles.

There. That's the truth. I have been the epitome of lazy  these last five days!.

I did manage to have time to play with our newest addition:

 Meet Barkley.
(He dressed up for the introduction).

We have not had a puppy in the house in a long time!! He keeps us very busy. But no matter what he wants- we do.
We just can't resist this face.

A few times while he was sleeping I was able to go into the office and work on a game that has been in  my brain for a while.
I finally got it all out!
(My brain is officially empty now).

I am pretty excited about it! Our goal in first grade this year is to have every child FLUENT- like, drop.of.the.hat. fluent in facts to 10. There are many ways we are doing this, one of them is really dissecting numbers and looking at the parts.

Let me show you a game I created to help with practicing facts.
 All you need after printing this pack is a bag of two color counters or two different color cubes. Each player chooses a color and as the cards are picked, they place one of their pieces on the correct number.
 If we are playing on the gameboard for 5's and I pull a 2, then I will place one of my pieces on a 3- because 2+3=5. The Super Power cards make it fun because if I pull one of them I can put one of my pieces on that space OR move my opponent off of a Super Power space and take their spot!
And then the first one to fill a row, either up or down, wins!
There are 12 games total (two for each number 5-10). And the cards are labeled to keep them organized!
There are also practice sheets for each number!
You can click on the cover below to add it to your cart while you are getting ready for the BIG SALE!!!

I KNOW you've heard of the BIG SALE:)
Graphics by Ashley Hughes

Susan @

has put together a great linky! Get your clicking fingers ready!!!
Check out these other great ladies who are having sales in their TPT stores !

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Turkey Toupes and Weekly Woes

Happy Thursday!
And I am posting so late this evening, so it might be Friday before some of you read this- so
I will give you a Happy Friday to go with your Happy Thursday...
and I might even raise you a Giddy Saturday and a Glorious Sunday..
The Weekend is upon us!!!
What! What!

This has been a trying a week- for sure.

I was getting dinner ready for the Littles Tuesday night-
(they are uber lucky that  I am functionally able to feed them at the end of my day)
and I got a text from a good friend.

She asked how my day was

(that was her first mistake)

because I was very honest.

It had just been "a day".

So she then asked if it was an
or an

I immediately replied COFFEE!!!

Within a few short minutes she was at the end of my driveway.
Just a few minutes more and we were in Starbucks.
It couldn't have been more than a 20 minute span between the first text and the the first sip-
yet, somehow- I was better.

First she asked about what was going on, and I shared as much as I could without having to go into too much detail
(do you find it exhausting at times to vent to a NT- a NON TEACHER
There's just so much to explain! You can start with one topic and in just a few minutes you are somewhere else because you have to give the back story or you have to explain what this certain strategy is or the difference between anchor standards and core standards or basal vs non can be a ton of explaining.)

So sometimes it's just easier to say
'I had a bad day",
drink the coffee,
and change the subject.

I did all three.

I knew in pretty quick that things would be better.
When I went in to order, this is what I saw-
The Holiday decorations at Starbucks!!! I just love them- I may have to go back in and ask for them when the Holidays are over- ya'll be on the lookout in case they are in your neck of the woods:)

We both have a child in high school- so we gabbed about that. Talked about Christmas coming and Black Friday Shopping
(she wants me to go at 3am....ha ha)
and we talked about her daughter (who was in my class last names, but remember the cutie patootie who ALWAYS made her hair curly in her craftivities???)

It was just what I needed!!!
I raise my mug (full of coffee, not spirits) to kind hearts and squirrel friends everywhere!!!


We had a lot of fun in math today working on a Turkey Craft from Susan @

We are using a 'program" called Developing Number Concepts and it gives the students the opportunity to work in a "range" of numbers. Their range might be 4-6. That means he is fluent with parts of 4, is developing fluency for 5, and needs practice with 6.
They were able to choose anyone of their range numbers to complete this activity in Susan's Turkey Day Activity

They did exceptionally well.
A few snapshots of their work:

This turkey ate seven pieces of chocolate cake...I would be smiling too.

Elvis Turkey has nine jellyfish.

This turkey needs a support group.

"We're eating turkey when?!??!"

Not only am I the President of Hair Club for Turkeys, I'm also a client.

So much fun! And so many ways to show that you can represent your understanding of a number! Many of us have two- three days next week- your kiddles will love it!
You have plenty of time to check it out:) Click the pic to head over-

I must flee from the computer chair, as tomorrow is a "jeans" day and mine are currently in the washer!
See you 'round this weekend:)

Monday, November 12, 2012

New Words, New Friends, and a Lunch Date

I am a word hoarder.
 Once I hear a new word, I want to use it often.
A) it makes me look smart.
B) it makes me look smart.
I like new words. While watching Big Bang this week, I heard the word "Kerfuffle". I was able to use my context clue finding skills to determine that it meant a "commotion or fuss". I repeated it over and over.

Words are fun.
I also heard a word this week, that was not especially new to me, but it was one that is not in my regualr vocabulary.
I like it.

It sounds much better than the alternative 'browsed" "Looked over" "read"....BORING!!!
So now I am going to look all smarticle and use my new word....

As I was perusing google reader, (see how  I did that?)
I stopped for a long time on one blog in particular.
I have been there before, but today I got really comfy.
I took off my shoes- I stayed awhile.
This is the part where you say
"Squirrels, where were you???"

I was over at Jenn's place:
Best Practices 4 Teaching

Have you been there before?

I was transfixed!
I couldn't stop reading and learning about Jenn and her work.
You know when you hear a teacher talk about this wonderful resource they have in their building and you are sooooo jealous???
Jenn is that resource!
We are going to have to meet IRL for me to pick her brain!!
(Jenn and I are destined to meet because we are in the same state:)

I lifted this little bit of info from her blog- 

Jennifer has taught for 18 years, 13 of which were in the inner city with at-risk elementary-students.  She married the love of her life and lives happily with her husband, 2 children and 2 cats.  Part of the time, her two god-children live there also.
Jennifer has three degrees:  B.S. from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in Multi-Cultural Education K-4 with a certification in K-8, a M.S. in Education K-12 from Tusculum College, and finally, an Ed.S. degree in Education:  Administration and Supervision from Tennessee Technological University.

Jennifer has always been interested in curriculum and development and has worked in her school district to promote the use of standards and with developing curriculum maps through backwards design.  She has been the lead literacy teacher in her schools.  At this time, Jennifer is both the lead literacy teacher and a second grade classroom teacher.  She is responsible for professional development in the areas of literacy, word work, and writing.

Jennifer also writes for Blog Hoppin, Simply Centers, Lesson Cloud, and Connect-a-Blog.

I also headed over to her Tpt-
Jenn has a HUGE collection of free and paid items for EVERY SEASON and Holiday! I have filled up my cart!

Maybe we will be lucky enough to get our Misters to drive us to a mini meet up!

I would invite her to my house.
Like to eat.
And hang out- but we are currently trying to rid our house of a smell.

A smell?
Yes, a smell.

My friends tell me that I need to ease up and let the Littles do more for themselves.
So I thought I would give them some choices other than chips and such for after school snack.

I purchased some EASY MAC AND CHEESE mixes and gave very explicit instructions on how to prepare this very EASY MAC AND CHEESE.

This was the end result:

We have taken the microwave apart, bought a new filter, and doused the kitchen with baking soda- thank goodness for pretty days- we were able to open the windows!!!! The smell of burned noodles is AWFUL!~!!!!

Anyone wanna come over for lunch?

Needless to say, they are now back to chips and such for snacks:)

Have a Terrific Tuesday!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Meet Ups and Meat Loaves....???

It's Monday!

Is there a cheery song about Mondays?- didn't think so.
Coincidence? I think not.

But I have made it my mission this evening to get rid of the Moody Monday Blues-

I'll start by telling you about my lunch with Mr. Greg from

I have done more socializing since I joined the blogging world than I have ever!
I have flown across the country, bummed rides from the Mr. to lunches with new friends, and chatted on the phone with some wonderful ladies!!  I love what this blog has brought to my life:)

I'll start with a pic-
which the one he has on his blog is better- much better-
and he always looks good in his-
I on the other hand, well let's just say that Chickadee did not help my non photogenic self by only clicking two shots from each camera!!!
Uh- well what do you know- better luck next time!!!

All goofiness aside-
Greg and I found out that we are working on opposite ends of a parallel universe. We might as well be in the same building!
You have to remember that we are in a Race to the Top state- so we get all new eval system on top of new standards- Lucky us:)
Lunch was delicious- margaritas were a bit on the small side, but they made up for it with a little kick- I knew they were doing their magic when the snorting joined in with the laughing:)

Chickadee was mildly embarassed, but super excited to have gone- she's a non- blogging blog stalker...and Greg is at the top of her list:)
And the drive wasn't that bad either- or so the Mr says- I was on my phone the whole time:)
Next time we will invite the spouses....(this ensures the possibilities of a DD) :)

There was some sad news this weekend.
Remember the WMDs?
The "meeting shoes"?

Well, let's just say that Another One Bites the Dust.

Look at those poor "lost soles" out there on the porch... These like the WMDs have been banished, exiled, never to be able to find a safe harbor in our home again.
I have to find a way to get those guys back in here....they are my most favoritest bestest comfortablest shoes- ever!

I tried to find a way to his heart (that little tiny heart that despises comfy shoes) by making his favorite dinner.
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes-
You have to see how I make this- I saw it on Good Eats once and thought I would give it a shot.

I'll put a link to the recipe below- but this is pretty cool.

I guess you could make it with the ingredients you choose. It's the setting it up that is so neat.
After you mix all the yummy stuff together, you line your loaf pan with cling wrap then start spooning in the meat mixture.

You keep mushing it in- and  then you flip it over onto wax paper on a baking sheet.

Keep it covered in the cling wrap. And I make two- because I have a hungry bunch and the Mr likes to take dinners for lunch-So I place these in the fridge overnight,
When it came time for dinner i just pulled off the wrap and put it in the the oven.
Bake. Glaze. Bake some more- and when if comes out- it has lots o crunchy on the outside! And my boys fight over the ends- so this is nice

Ok, that may not look too appetizing- some of the glaze burned to the pan, but the loaf was safe!!! and crunchy on the outside and not trapped in the grease of the loaf pan:) It was scrumdidliumpcious!!! Note how the little piggies at almost a whole one before I could get the pic taken!! The recipe is pretty yummy too!

Our weekend ended (officially ended) as the sun set early (earlier anyway because of the time change). One of the best parts of "fall back" is how the outside tricks the Littles into thinking it is later than it actually is and sometimes- not every year- but sometimes we get those days where they convince themselves it's time for bed- and Mama still has a couple of hours to kill! That little time trick is going to be one of the first parenting nuggets of gold that I share with them when the time comes......maybe- :)

 Have a Terrifatabulous Tuesday-

Friday, November 2, 2012


Tricked ya----- you thought I was on a beach somewhere didn't ya???

Nope I am just hanging out over at Alisha's place for the night

You can find my great post at: Just click below to head right over:)

I'll be sure to be back by Sunday night to tell you all about the wonderful Mr. Greg:)