
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Great Minds Think Alike!!!

Have you been shopping yet?

I. Can't. Stop. Filling. My. Cart.

I had to take a break!
The MR asked "How much do you need?"

I calmly answered, "ALL! I NEED IT ALL!"
The only thing that has saved my bank acct is the fact that I had to work today!!

If you promise to keep a secret, I will tell you one-

I'm going back tonight!

Because the sale is going on today too!!!

There are a few things that I didn't get last night that I have thought about all day.
Those things will haunt me if I don't go back and get them.

I was going through some of the items that I purchased last night and I noticed something that I thought was a super co-inky-dink.

So many of the packs/units that I fell in love with have similiar elements-

Falling into First
Falling into First
First Grade and Fabulous
First Grade and Fabulous

Did you see them?

I noticed it in the credits-
lots of the fonts, papers, and borders are the work of these two
Teacher Extraordinaires!
Tessa Maguire

Jessica Stanford
Not only are they creating awesome activities for us to use in the class- they are also designing the fonts, borders, and papers that many of the other teachers are using to create with!

If you are feeling creative, head over there to each of their stores and stock up while it's all on sale!!

Jessica's Store

Tessa's Store

I have already printed out my teacher rewards for ink so that I can get everything printed and get my month planned out!!

If you haven't taken advantage of the sale yet head over there-
This is it.
It's the last day.
For Realsies.
They aren't kidding!!

While you are planning for your holiday, don't forget to pick up a few things that can be used year-round as well....
I just happen to have such a thing..... (no co-inky-dink there)

Happy Shopping!!!


  1. I keep telling myself to quit looking...but I can't!!!! Happy shopping :)

  2. i have this feeling that I"m missing out on some stuff...ahhh!! BUT I have those things in your post - AND I love your pack!!

  3. I feel your bank account's pain. I.just.couldnt.stop.either!!!!! I think there has to be a group for that. Can it be centrally located somewhere between TN and IN???

    BUT, I should say- now my maternity sub will have lots to do while I'm gone! :)


  4. Have I told you yet how much I love your Super Facts? I do! I do! I do!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

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Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"