
Sunday, January 27, 2013

LInking Up with a Lovely Linky about Loving Lovely Things

I am linking up with Tessa today-
She is having  a fantastic linky where you get to talk about all the things you love!

Folks, I have a big heart
(at least that is what I tell myself when I step off the scale-
I'm All Heart)

But seriously, part of the linky is to talk about people you love-
not just any people-
but the people you are loving from this wonderful blogland.

Good Gravy!~ I was going to link up when this started, but I couldn't choose.
Really- it was like telling the family (of 5) that we're going to Disneyland but we only have 4 tickets.
(I swear that never happened , but that could answer A LOT of questions for me......)

Anyway, I just couldn't do it.

I know for a fact I am still leaving people out- but these ladies here have been soooooo supportive in one way or another for me over this last year.
Sometimes it was:
 a great comment,
a hilarious story (Squirt),
a calm voice on the ride home (Tooter),
 a week full of awesome recess pictures and reminders that it's Thursday (Turdy)
a virtual "cheers!",
 random laughs,
sarcasm wrapped in love (Moon Over Maui, my butt!)

Do you see what I mean though?
So many inspire me daily-
And that isn't even mentioning to ones who motivate me with their great products!!! Their names can be seen ALL OVER MY ROOM!!!
That list is even longer....
So to wrap this part up-
I have totally cheated!!!


On to things I am loving right now:
Loving my New Keurig Machine-
I enjoy things that are easy!!

 Loving the Map My Walk App
If i didn't have proof of how far I was walking, I probably wouldn't do it- and this makes it easy (again with the easy).

Loving that this lady fell asleep at the planetarium before it EVEN STARTED and that I took her picture
(that cracks me up)

I would share a freebie that  I made last year for Valentines day- but it is awful, dreadful, yuck.
So I won't.

I will however share with you a product from Stephanie at Falling Into First that I am planning on using this year-
She has gone bananas- and it shows:)

Isn't that adorable???!?!?!?!

I know my class will be Lovin' it!

I leave you now with a few search keywords that made me giggle:
Maybe they saw all my old pics from when I used to be a model and stuff.....

"Swirlie Squirrely playground"
Is that a place?
I want to go to there!!
Wait, unless it is a playplace for actual squirrels- cause something like that is just nuts!!!!

hee hee-
Be sure you head over to Tessa's to share what you are loving!


  1. Gosh your keywords CRACK me up! It always inspires me to go look at my own! Who knows how those crazy things pick up those words :)

    Sparkles, Smiles, and Successful Students

  2. You are so funny! Can you write a tutorial on how you made that awesome blinky? Better yet, can I steal your awesome blinky? All my favs are on there. But, then you'd be missing from it and that would just be wrong, because you are one of my favorites, too! Muah!!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. The blinkie you made is cool! That could be a blog post tutorial for you because I have NO idea how to do that. I have a Keurig coffee maker too and LOVE it!
    Conversations in Literacy

  4. You know you love moons over Maui! Muah! You are nutty, Squirrels, but I still love you!
    Teaching With Style

  5. I'm sad that I don't see a blinkie but thanks for linking up! :)

  6. Missy Squirrels I just heart you and your nutty self to pieces!!I think when I join this linky I am just gonna link back to your blog post and write "Ditto" on mine!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  7. My SWEET SquirrellyGirl!
    That just made my heart happy--thanks so much for including me. Happy sigh!
    (And I love the sleeping lady! heeheehee)
    Sending you oodles of love...
    BTW, When are you doing a blinky tutorial?!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

    PS Just saw the scroll-to-the-top acorn. I've only seen arrows before. You ARE quite the Techno-Queen today!

  8. Missy are amazing!!! Love 'ya and this fabulous post! :)

  9. You are truly one in a million and Mama Arlene is so lucky to call you a friend. You always make me smile and you are amazing. Love you too.
    LMN Tree

  10. That lady could be me! I sit down...I fall asleep! Unless I am blogging! Your blinky is really sweet!

  11. Aww, Missy. You have a heart of gold :) I'm nuts about you, girlie!!

    Treasures for Teaching

  12. Hi Staci,

    I've left you a present on my blog in todays entry. :o)

    The Paper Maid
    Deborah in Australia :o)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. These blogs are valuable because these are providing such informative information for all the people.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"