
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pretty Pencils!!

Happy Tuesday, Friends!

Was it an awesome Tuesday for you?
Did you rock that reading group?
Did you smoke that science lesson?
You did, didn't you?!?!

I am so proud of you!

I would like to say that I did both of those and then some, but it was not in the cards today.
We headed into school this morning two hours late because of a "wintry mix" that was on it's way.
Forty minutes after they were all in,  it was announced that we were dismissing an hour early.
So we came in and ate breakfast and then 45 minutes later we ate lunch.
Read a story.
20 mins of Math
Pack up-
Load buses.

And we are closed tomorrow.
Ice storm.

(In my little "squirrel brain", I picture ice cubes falling from the sky.
But not like Sonic crushed ice or even the kind your freezer makes, but the ones from the ice trays
you know, the blue ones that NO ONE ever filled back up?....I make myself giggle).

My goal is to use my time wisely tomorrow- and treat it like a work-at-home-day.

However, I am very confident that won't happen.

I do have to work on a WTH Wednesday post- Where the heck have those been????

I have lots of other great posts that are started, almost finished, or just living in my head.

There's just so much to share- but I get sidetracked so easily- really.
Easier than you might think....

For instance, I was taking pictures last Friday of a great center they were working on and something caught my eye.
What was it?
 Pretty Pencils!
They are all so used to me having my phone or camera out, so taking pictures isn't the issue.
BUT they all thought Miss Squirrels had finally lost it when she started taking pictures of the pretty pencils!

Over the Winter Break I got my Classroom Friendly Supplies pencil sharpener in the mail!
I had it shipped to my house because I worried that it would come to the school and be lonely since we wouldn't be there with it.
I was so excited and couldn't wait to use it. Believe it or not, I had NOT ONE PENCIL in the house to sharpen.
Not one.
So I sent Littlest Little next door and he came running back with a handful! We all took turns sharpening!
It was a bonding family time for us.

It really is just as easy to use as the videos show on the site. And so far, every one we sharpen in the room looks exactly the same.
I use the "sharpened" "needs to be sharpened" cans in the room, so hearing the sharpener was never an issue for me. It was always the actual sharpening.

The best part about it is the fact that Littlest Little still thinks it's "fun" and I don't have to do it!

As much as I would like to stay up and chat, I still have to go to bed at a decent time.
I will have to brave the ice (maybe) in the a.m. because Chickadee has her last appt before the braces come off!! She is so worried that the roads will be too bad for me to take her. (I am worried, too).

Stay Warm!


  1. Wow! What a day or not a day for that matter. We never dismiss early but parents can pick up their child early if they want.
    Good luck with your trip out and be careful:)

    The Busy Busy Hive

  2. I was home with a sick little girl yesterday,but we got word at 8:30 (we start at 8:15) that we would be dismissing at 10:30 due to flooding. We are out again today due to flooding and unless the rain stops I don't expect us to go tomorrow. It's wild that TN is out for ice, snow, and flooding! Got to love it!
    Mrs. Shelton's Kindergarten

  3. We've had our eye on that sharpener for quite a while now. We do the same as you and use baskets where they trade in for a sharpened one, but we H.A.T.E. having to sharpen all of them. We need a heavy duty, industrial strength sharpener because all the others break. Should we invest in this lil gem?
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  4. Wow, sounds like a fun, fast & furious day! I love how the Littlest LIttle loves to do the sharpening!! My three are still my helpers, part of being kids of a teacher! So sweet!
    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  5. Hi there! I smile every time I read your blog name! :)
    I just got my new Classroom Friendly Supplies pencil sharpener in and I am in love again!! I got my first one last year! It didn't work quite so well after a year of 1st grade torture! :) But this new one.......I'm telling you...It's LOVE!! It changes your life!!! Well...the pencil sharpening part anyway!! Have a great night!

  6. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that my ice scraper (don't know how you call it really, I mean the plastic think you scrape ice from your car's windshield etc.) broke off today, but nobody would cancel school because of snow here in Germany ;) and I wanted you to know that I check for your blog posts every day because they always cheer me up and especially the WTH Wednesdays! So keep them coming please! I miss them terribly!!!
    Have a great snow day ;)

  7. I so hope I get a snow day soon!! It's supposed to be brutal cold here next can only hope for something to soon follow! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  8. I love my pencil sharpener too! Thanks for visiting me! Try to stay warm!
    Crayons and Curls

  9. Look at that little "Pin It" hovering button! You must teach me!!!!! Your blog looks great!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Your blogs are easily accessible and quite enlightening so keep doing the amazing work guys.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"