
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter and Super Egg-Cited!!

Hello my lovely friends-

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter with family!

This is going to be the shortest post I have ever written but I am on my way to Grandma's House-
Over the River and Through the Woods- not really- she's like nine miles away, but it is taking forever to get ready and it is not helping that I am hiding to post this and they think I am getting ready......

I wanted you all to see what I have been working on for my class

We are working hard on those parts of numbers- not just memorizing facts- I think they are going to love
Fishing for these Facts!!!

Since it is a holiday and since it is my first product in a LONNNNNNG time it is ONLY $4.00 for just today Tomorrow it goes back up to $5.!
so head over and grab it to get yourself ready for the week!

(I have some great stories to share from the Great Date Night) but I can only hide so long)

Happy Easter!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"