
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WTH !?!?! Wednesday

 Howdy Folks from the world of Spring Break Land!
Things here have been semi- uneventful- no major vacations or getaways.

I scrolled through several of my past posts (rather narcissistic, I know, but I'm like Dory over here! I can't remember what I wrote about two weeks ago, let alone two months ago!)

I noticed a trend- I noticed that WTH Wednesday disappeared!

For you new followers- WTH?!?! Wednesday and ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDIN ME FRIDAY!!?!?! were my favorite posts to write for a long time.
Usually nothing teacher related (SURPRISE!!)
But loads of fun!!!

Without further ado....I give you
WTH Wednesday!

 We went on a short (and I mean very short) trip to East TN this past weekend. Left here on Saturday, came back on Sunday. And guess who drove THE WHOLE WAY by MYSELF??? Yep. It was me. Well, the Littles were in the car, but none of them can drive. They just eat pringles and argue over whose stuff is up too loud!

While we were on our way there. I held up my phone and snapped a few shots (I swear I didn't aim. and I never looked at my phone after that until we were safely parked in the driveway)....that is a lie, but it made me feel good.

My question after stringing these together- is
WHERE THE HECK  is everyone going in such a hurry????

I was doing 70- sometimes a little less, but hey! There are mountains between here and there!
Why is it so important to be there (where ever "there" is) so quickly?
It's a beautiful drive (until you try to get off of the interstate because of a hail storm on the way home, get lost, freak out, make your kids cry, and make a 4 hour trip into a 6 hour one)
But seriously- Where's the fire???

On the way there we did have to stop a few times. I like for our family to stop in the SAME designated area each time we are on a trip. That way there are no surprises.
I would rather NOT stop somewhere where they have attached the key to the bathroom to cinder block with a chain.
Call me crazy (and many do) but I just don't feel safe unless we are somewhere extremely easy to locate- should we disappear.

Littlest Little was NOT having it. His body told him, "Hey, buddy- you can pretend all you want but we all decided in here that we're letting this Fanta go ....soon!"
So we had to stop.

WHO THE HECK wants their store front to look like the store from EVERY scary movie EVER made???
We were totally creeped out!
After locking everything in the van up tight, I walk in with them only to see a sign at the door that says
So I had to run out, get the squirrel stash, buy MORE pringles and PRAY that no one touched anything while I was gone!!

Obviously we made it there and back- whew!

We got in  on Sunday night and The Mr. had made a nice pot of chili. So we talked about our visit with his grandfather (The Mr was unable to attend this little getaway because of work)

It was hard to fall asleep that night knowing that the following morning was a Monday and I was going to  be  off of work and had a whole week ahead of me. Maybe some yard work- visit my parents- clean out the office (I SWEAR I am working on it Bubbly, I HAD to take a break)...

This is what we woke up to...

WHAT THE HECK is Mother Nature smokin???? It's the end of MARCH people- there should NOT be snow here!!
So I didn't get to garden, no visiting, and I may have only worked on organizing the office for a minimum  maximum of 45 mins!

While getting ready for more wintery weather I had to make a run to Wally World. I made sure I purchased everything we might need if we were caught in a snow drift. Especially if those things we needed were junk food items.... It is safe to say that we are all set in that department.

Look at what I discovered as I inhaled ate a bag of M & Ms on the ride home...
WHO THE HECK is "full" of m & m's after half of a bag?? These are the itty bitty ones too- next to the register.  I may have discovered that I have been overeating on candy for years!!

Alright, we gotta speed this post up or it's gonna be WTH Thursday...

I tried to enter a Rafflecopter last night. It said there was a mistake. This is where it directed me. Rafflecopter Techs may now and forever be my favorite people.

Love the searches that bring friends here....however I am curious...

WHO THE HECK am I negotiating with??? And what are we negotiating? Are we talking money here? Who are you???? If we need to talk- let me know!! email addy is up top!

Usually a funny search is the end of such a post- but tonight, I have a special treat... I want you to see WHO THE HECK I got to meet today!!!

My BFF Neighbor Teacher had some "friends" on her porch. She called me right away because she thought that I could talk to them and find out where their mommy was...
I tried but all I could  get out of them was A LOT of squeaking!!!
NOT KIDDING, FOLKS! Squirrels are some noisy friends....I have no idea why anyone would compare me to a.....

So anyway, she made some phone calls and found a wildlife rehab to take them to a county over.... they were only in my life for a short time (30 mins) but I felt such a connection.....They will be missed!!
(And yes that is one of the Littles in a Ushanka, it was almost 70 today)

If you are on Spring Break and you are somewhere warm and sunny have a blast and enjoy every second!
If you are headed out the door to work in the morning, have a blast and enjoy every second!!



  1. Haha I loved reading that funny! I'm at the beach but a TN girl too. What the heck is going on with the weather?!? It's crazy cold at the beach and snowing at home! Thumbs down :-/
    Thanks for the fun post!

  2. Ok 1) That deli place does look like it's from a scary movie.

    2) Maybe Mother Nature is going through hormone problems.

    3) I want to know what you are negotiating too.

    4) The squirrels are so cute!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

    1. Secret? I wouldn't let the Littles eat the pringles I bought! I threw them away and bought them new ones at the BP!!!

  3. Oh my goodness--I sure have missed bloggy land and reading your hilarious posts! I'm attempting to get involved in blogging again after being MIA for a while. Thanks for the belly laugh tonight!
    Swersty’s Swap Shop

    1. Yeah!!! You have been missed LADY!!! We need your inspiration to share with our media teams!!!!
      Can't wait to see what you have in store!
      <3 <3 <3

  4. Love it, all of it. Would love to read more from other bloggers about the Wednesday thingy...

  5. Glad the Wednesday series it back! It's so funny!

    Where do you get your search information from? Your blog or from google? It's always hilarious!


  6. You seriously crack me up! I am on spring break starting today and I, too, am not going anywhere on vacation. Oh well...We have snow possible in the forecast for this Monday! Yikes!
    Conversations in Literacy

  7. Yay! You are back, I love all your posts but always looked forward to the Wed ones, thanks

  8. I love your gif making skills! Seriously!

  9. I am just so proud of you! You have made some serious progress on the driving issue since we first met! Maybe it was my crazy loops around San Antonio when we were strangers?!? So glad y'all made it home alive!

  10. Your blog is sooo funny! I am with you on the m&m's!

    Terri Izatt

  11. wahahahahaa!!! You cracked me up!! And that store is very scary! I went in one like that once that completely creeped me out looked different than yours but very horror-movieish!

  12. It’s amazing in support of me to truly have a blog site, which will be valuable meant for my knowledge. Thanks admin.

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Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"