
Friday, April 5, 2013

Five for Friday {April 5}

Happy Friday!
Of course, I am linking up- I LOVE Five for Friday! Having a tiny peek at everyone's week is such fun!

1. This Friday there wasn't a  "Shrek Shadow" to be found.
With the warmer weather coming in on top of our chilly night- we got to wake up to what we like to call
"Scooby Doo Fog"
(I am beginning to notice a cartoon-y theme for this family).

2. To go along with our Fishing for Fluency Activities, we did a Math Task about fishing.
I worked on  the display for it on and off for the last day and a half.
As other classes passed on their way to lunch, I kept hearing whispers that I was making Mario and Luigi.

That was not my intention at all. They were just supposed to be two buds hanging out fishing (they just happen to have the names of my Littles...maybe).

But I couldn't take it anymore. If everyone was expecting them to look more like the the Kings of Mario Kart, then so be it!

3.  HA HA!
And I am totally leaving it up there, too!

4. Our unit this week was on Magnets.
Here's a cool activity we did today.
They had to "feed the shark" by using the magnetic wand and pulling the food over.
The food was in the horrible non circular circle. It consisted of metal items and non metal items.
When they were finished they had to write about what they were able to feed him and what wouldn't move.
The penny stumped several of them!!! One of my arty smarty shoots his hand up and says "It must not have any iron in it because it didn't move!" {Puffy heart}
Fun. Fun!

5. I didn't take as many pics as I normally do this week. So I am going to share one of Chickadee from Easter morning.
Shhhhhh....Hers was sleepy....

Well that does it for me tonight- Chickadee and I have a scary movie date night!!!!
Have a great night!


  1. Haha, I posted a .gif, too!

    I love that magnet fishing idea, I'm really trying to find more fun firstie science ideas!

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  2. You are the only other person I have heard call it the "Shrek shadow"! I love the idea of feeding the shark! I am only going to be able to fit in a day or two for magnets this year but I want to do that for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am in love with your bulletin board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. The bulletin board is very cool! Love it! Poor Chickadee! She IS sleepy
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  5. Bulletin board queen strikes again!! Mario and Luigi...pure awesomeness friend!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  6. Outstanding efforts for making this blog!! Your writers and your work are really appreciative.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"