
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School Sale- Undercover

Haven't seen ya'll in awhile- the beginning of the year has kept me super busy- I have notes upon notes of stuff to share, including the new room. But for this evening, I am posting from under the cover of darkness.
No, really.
I am hiding in the office getting my cart ready to click BUY when I wake up in the a.m.
It has to be quick! I have to be able to sneak in and out quick- so The Mr. won't walk in and see! Oh, yeah- I'll be hiding the cart from him- I swear, Tpt sales are like porn for teachers! Haven't you ever been guilty of hiding the screen??? Because of your "updated cart", not because of anything dirty- geesh!

If you are headed over to click "buy" on your overloaded wishlist cart during the sale-
be sure you have not overlooked some great fluency practice for Math
I made these Super Facts early on in the year and I loved watching them "play' these games and learn!


I also created fluency practice for facts to 10.

 Another big product has been this Fry Phrase Rings- they make practicing fun and mobile!

Well here's to hoping that I make it in and out of here undetected in the morning!
Happy shopping!

(Don't forget to enter BTS13 when you check out)


  1. Squirrels!!!! Do you hear me? Come baaaack to your blog! We miss you!


  2. I heard you! I actually wrote a post!!!
    I'm baaaaaccckkkkk!!!!

  3. Your dazzling work has won my heart. I’ll come soon to your site with new hope.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"