
Monday, October 21, 2013

My Truth Monday- a 12 Part Series

Ole Denise as Sunny Days in Second has called us out to see what we thought about healthy- our own getting healthy on.

I decided a while back that I was going to make some changes to the everyday life style that I have right now.

I'm trying to eat a little better, I've taken somethings out completely! My main change so far has been movement! Getting up everyday and going walking. I have started to feel it already! My next goal is better portions when I eat.

Looking forward to some positive words!!!


  1. You can doooooo ittttt, Squirrels! I'm so proud of all of your walking! We'd be good work-out buddies - gossip the whole time, then get a drink afterwards ;)
    Teaching With Style

    1. THanks for the encouragement! Start walking and I'll meet you half way:) And thanks for commenting when this was riddled with was a late, late post!

  2. Any little bit is good for you and 5 miles is no little thing! That's great! Injuries are the worst, sorry to hear about your foot. Keep it up and stay positive, Im rootin' for ya!!
    Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
    Surfin' Through Second

    1. Thanks Corinna- I can definitely use the encouragement- it is still very dark at 5 am! ANd the neighbor's Halloween decorations don't make it any less spooky!!! :)

  3. Awesome job, keep it up!!!!!! I've been getting up around 4 to get my exercise in. If I don't, it won't happen!!!

    1. Thank you! This is a new venture for me. It has only been two weeks and I only skipped one day that it rained all day long. It is harder to make myself go if I don't JUST DO IT.

  4. It is hard, isn't it? As moms we dedicate some much time to the kids...and the kids at school, sometimes we let ourselves slip through. I know that I'm not doing anyone any good when I put myself on the bad burner....congrats on taking the first steps!

    Kindergarten Lifestyle

    1. Thank you! I'm a instant gratification kinda gal- so it is going to kill me until I get results I can see!!!

  5. As Nike says, "Just Do It!" I have faith in you Squirrels. I remember getting up at 5:00 am! I'm living proof that it is sooo worth it. And yes, I wish you were my walking partner- I would never stop laughing.
    LMN Tree

    1. MAMA ARLENE!!! I miss you!
      Thank you for the encouragement! And how cool would it be to walk together????

  6. You've got this!!! I was trying to think of some good song lyrics to post with the word walk in them...never realized just how many there are. I've got everything from Johnny Cash to Arrow Smith to a rap group by the name of DJ Unks. Haha! So maybe I'll skip the lyrics and say, heart you!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

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