
Monday, November 25, 2013

Coffee Winner and Mystery Pile Solved

The weekend has officially ended.
You know the weekend is over when all the family time stops and you find yourself in front of the  glowing screen of your computer putting those final touches on your plans for the following week.

No matter how far ahead you think you are, do you always find yourself in the same place on Sunday night?

The good news on my end is, I am getting myself all planned ahead so that when I am enjoying all the Thanksgiving leftovers, I will already be prepared for the week that follows.

Before I got started, I realized that while I had posted in a few other places, I had not posted my Coffee = Smiles Giveaway winner here on the blog.

I do thank you all for entering! The Yummy Coffee Card is headed to Wendy from 1st Grade Fireworks. Congratulations- maybe you will get lucky and there will be another BOGO on holiday drinks!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

At the bottom of the giveaway post last week, there was a pic of pile o' puppy hair.
It all used to belong to Truman. Poor Truman.
He was starting to look like he needed to be the mascot pooch for the Duck Commanders! Him and The Mr were having a beard growing contest. And while they are both just as adorable as they can be, The Mr can brush his own beard, and Truman doesn't like it that much- so his had to go.
Anyone else notice the tongue- he has quite the attitude for the a pup.

I have heard a few of you are off for the entire week and some of us only have a few days until we get to give thanks with the ones we love- whichever category you fall into- I hope your week is a wonderful one!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"