
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Squirrel-a-versary

So here it is - three years since my very first blog post! It doesn't seem like that long. 
Maybe because my blog has been so dusty and neglected as of late. I totally blame social media ( blame shifter)- seriously! 
I think of something and then BAM! I can post it on Instagram- or BOOM! I can put it on FB. And it's so quick and easy.
Technically, the blog is easy, too. It all comes from my phone. But my mind is more likely to throw out a random quick thought vs a long commentary. And for those of you who know me, quick and random are the way my brain usually works! 

It has been an adventure of sorts being out of the classroom this year. It was a hard decision to make- but I'm very confident I did the right thing. I was reminded of just "how right" I was when I was putting away a few things in my room today and opened a drawer of my jewelry armoire. 
What I saw was a little alarming. (Don't worry, it's not anything bad or inappropriate). I opened the drawer to put away a bracelet and here it was. Boom.
My One Little Word card that I made three years ago when I did the OLW project with my first grade class. I made each person, including myself, a card to carry to remind us of the word we chose. 
The word we chose that would make a change in our lives.
My word was Prioritize. It was my goal to change some things in my personal and professional life to ensure that I was putting all the right people and projects first.
Just sitting down and making that list back then was such an eye opener! I "let go" of sooooo much drama! I realized that much of the hard work I was doing was SELF INDUCED! While there is definitely a set of standards I was expected to meet- I was piling on even more. 
So I fixed it back then.
I made changes.
I left bags of school work AT SCHOOL. And I opened my eyes and realized that what I sometimes thought was my worst, was someone else's best- and that was ok! 
I was (and still am) happier for taking a breath and working through all of that. 

My OLW card popped up a year later when I switched purses. And then again on the dryer one time. Once I found it in the junk drawer in the kitchen. 
I'm glad it doesn't have a "formal home". If it did, then I wouldn't get these great reminders every once in a while.

So much has changed in the last few years. And I can attribute that to prioritizing AND to that sweet reminder charm that was under my card- 

HA HA!!! Gotta love a squirrel! 

I'm sure I said it at the one year mark and then again at the second- this little blog had made such a change in my life! I've learned so much from so many and have made some lifelong friends! Love you ladies!!

Hope this day finds you right where you want to be, my friends!! 


  1. Happy 3 year blogiversary! My world has become a better place knowing you sweet friend!

    1. Oh my gosh- having a comment from "Miss T" back in the day was a huge highlight! And then we became friends- It's a beautiful thing!!

  2. What a sweet post! Great reminder for all of us to remember what's important!

  3. Awwww! I love love love this! And I'm so glad that while you prioritized, that you kept this blog and fostered the relationships you built because of it! I'm so thankful to call you my friend!

    1. Awww! We are a lucky bunch of gals! Knowing ya'll are there makes such a difference for me- and it also helps me to giggle a little more each day- cause I know I am going to head in there and tell you all about it!

  4. It’s my fortune to go to at this blog and realize out my required stuff that is also in the quality.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"