
Monday, February 6, 2012

Pics of Miss Squirrels- 24 hrs ONLY!!!

Seriously- I am totally taking these down tomorrow night!

I told the Mr that we were going to have to start bringing a "stunt-mom" with us when we go places-
1. I am never in the pictures.
2. When I am, I have 2 poses- drunk or bloated!
3. If something ever happens to me, we are going to have to pray that the little squirrels all have photographic memories!!

If you notice, my mouth is closed in both- there will be an 8 x 10 glossy available (signed) when this process is over!
Currently my hair is "natural", I believe it is referred to as BLECK BROWN in the hair biz.... I have an appt soon, so I will be taking care of that too!
Times up!
Awww... you missed it :( 


  1. Thank you for posting your photos! I love to see photos of the bloggers I stalk because it helps me picture them talking to me. Does that sound strange? Hope not!
    An Open Door

  2. I think a lot of people are too hard on themselves- you are very pretty and you shouldn't tell yourself differently! I think many others would agree. : )

  3. Hooray! Now I can put a face with your posts!!! Can't wait to see a smile with your new beautiful Hollywood teeth! :)

  4. There she is!!!!!!!!!!!! So darn tootin' cute...I mean, really...why don't you use one of those in your profile?!?!?

    Can't wait to see the new teefers!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. awwww----Yay!! I face to the name!! I LOVE it! And you are cute! You should NOT take these down!!
    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  6. And look how pretty she is! And you look remarkable like I pictured you, weird huh!
    Can't wait for the new hair/smile photo ops!

  7. I think you look great! So glad I made it here in time to see! And yes, I am the same way- either taking all the pics so I'm not in them, or looking horrible in them! I did find out that I have been following terrible advice for years - I read somewhere once to tilt your chin up in pictures to make your neck and chin look slimmer, so I've been doing that...took an id card picture the other day and couldn't understand why it looked like I have a really broad face. Turn out tilting your chin makes your cheekbones look really wide. Sigh...all those years of photos ruined! Just goes to show, don't believe everything you read, right?

    Jennfier @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  8. You look wonderful in both photos! It is so nice to put a face with a name. However, I was kind of expecting a picture with a squirrel on your shoulder or something.

    :) Ann

  9. Darn I missed it! Love the bloated or drunk remark. My girls saw a picture of me from a number of years ago and said "Mom you were thin and pretty!" like they were shocked. Yeah, I was a lot of things BC (before children).

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings


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