
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What's Up, Buttercup? and a *Freebie*

Hello-o-o-o-o Lovely Ladies!
I have just been in a "mood" lately....surprisingly enough a really good mood!
It might have to do with all of the sweet bloggy love I got when i posted my pics last night- thank you {and my chin is totally tilted- BLARG!}

First: I want you to see what some of my boys did last week when we talked about shadows. Pretty Freakin Ah-mazing! They really loved it! I saw it a couple of weeks ago on a blog- and HAD to try it.

I got to go to Michaels thurs when we were at Vanderbilt- {we don't have one, so I was super excited}. I found the little heart boxes that I have seen online and I made something similar to the post from Mrs. Wheeler.

We count money EVERYDAY at the calendar- I use touch money.(a modified version) Last year was my first year, and they were ALL OVER IT when the $ unit started. We were able to take it so much farther because they were past recognition and adding the coins-
This is very early in the year- but we do it every morning- they are doing great with counting change- "touch money" was sent from Heaven!   
And because of this, I thought it would be a good match to add a version of Mrs Wheelers change counting activity to our center rotation. Here's how it will go:
It is center 5 in the math center. Every thing they need is in there.
When they pull out the drawers (the top thin ones) they take the whole drawer with them.
Find a spot. If you have a center partner for the day, make sure there is enough room for both of you.
There are a total of 18 hearts. This will keep the center going for a couple of weeks. The markers are in there for recording.
Each person can only take out ONE heart at a time.
Open, empty it out in front of you. Turn it over to find the #.
On the recording sheet (there are places for 3 boxes on each side, they are in sheet protectors) First write in the box number. Then record the # of each coin. Then count - we use the touch system- and record the amount in the heart.
When the 2 minute warning for the end of the rotation goes off- check your answers on the answer key.
Yeah! I'm so smart! Wipe your recording sheets- put away your center and get ready for the next rotation!

Click the pics to get them if you like- leave a little "nutty chatter" if you likey- likey:)


  1. I am loving your station! I'm going to have to get myself to a Michaels!

    Thanks for the freebie!

    First Grade Magic

  2. oh my gosh, Staci- I thought of you today. We were thinking of words that start with the same sound. One of my kinders said "square and squirrel" Made me think of you!

    Happy Wednesday, friend!

    Let's Teach Something 

  3. Wow! What a great idea! My kinders are not quite ready to do this with money but it gave me a great idea to do something similar with numbers to 20. Thanks for the visuals. I have learned that I am such a visual learner!


  4. Oh, and by the way, I loved your idea about the Keurig giveaway. We should contact Keurig and see if they are on board.

    :) Ann

  5. Can you take a close up of where the dots go on the money? I would love to try it with some of my kids who STILL aren't getting. Most of my kids are doing fine...there's still those few. Or, if you don't want to take another pic...just tell me where the dots go {I'm assuming they have specific "homes" like the dots on the numerals do??!}

    Thanks, darlin'!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  6. Your activities are beyond cute!!!! Thanks for sharing :) Have a great day!

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  7. This is great and will be perfect -- we are starting money soon (I think). Well, I know it's T3.
    Thank you for sharing! We call our touch money COIN CRITTERS. :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  8. Those look very cute, thanks for the super idea !!

  9. The shadow art turned out great!! Love your money activities too! Hope you had a happy valentine's day!

    Hadar :)


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"