
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Currently and a FAV?????

While some of you are celebrating because you have nothing pressing to do tonight {because you are on break this week}, I am frantically trying to remember notes that I took in the planning meeting because I don't have them with me and I have to whip up write out my plans for the 4 day week ahead.

Rather than get in and get it done, I am joining Farley's Currently

Are you going to be there on the 14th?
 These are the lovely ladies who will be there:
1. Kerri from Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten
2. Heidi from Swamp Frog 1st Graders
3. Markeeta from A Teacher and A Blog
4. Erin from Eberhart's Explorers
5. Heather from Mrs. Shelton's Kindergartn
6. Heather from 1st Grade Rocks
7. Jessica from Under the Alphabet Tree
8. Mary from Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives
10. Jennifer Nolen - blog follower
11. Shana Nolen - blog follower
12.Laura  from Kinder Kraziness
13. Becky from Teaching, Loving, and Learning

I am going to be there come H-E- double hockey stix or high water!

(Actually, about the water thing, I totally could not handle getting there in the rain!)

When the MR told me there was a chance he would have to work that day-

my stomach jumped up in my throat!
and did a flip
then a somersault
then got lodged
then fell out on the floor
then jumped around in circles
then passed out for  few minutes
then panted frantically
then jumped back in
but still continued to feel queasy!!

I don't get it.
I've driven to TX, NC, MO and KY by myself
{ok, I can't take credit for the KY thing- the state line is right outside of my neighborhood sign.
But I did it- and that is what matters!}

This was all after Chickadee, but before my oldest son....
this is also when the "metal thing" happened (I get shivers thinking about that restaurant)

If I take any more meds, then I won't care about driving-

I know it won't be fixed by the 14th, but I will be participating in some exposure therapy  one way or another!

On to other matters:

I have been meaning to ask this of many of you- but I don't want to it to be interpreted the wrong way.

I know I have issues. I have come to terms with it. I even speak of it freely.

Sometimes I can be a Debbie Downer and look at the not-so-bright side.
I try not to- but like I tell my children bad things CAN and will happen.

You'll get a bad grade every once in awhile.
Your friend will talk behind your back.
You're gonna outgrow those favorite shoes.
You are probably going to have at least one (or 5) car accidents with inanimate, non-moving, shouldn't -have- parked -at- the -end -of -my- driveway- objects...

With all that gloom and doom, there is one very positive thing I can tell them.
With all the bad things that can happen to you in the world-

A robot will NOT try to enter a giveaway on your blog!

Really- you don't have to fear it!
There are no support groups for teachers whose blogs have been stalked by  a robot.

There is NO danger here Will Robinson!!

It's OK.

I know I am not the first to ask- Some lovely ladies have even posted tutorials

The main reason I ask
- not because it slows me down when I am on a quest to be one of the first 5 followers so I can win a Unit
-not because some giveaways give you 6 chances to enter....6x2...That's 12 words you have to figure out!
-not because my eyes are bad and I have to squint....

The plain truth-
it slows me down because in my weird little squirrely brain- I HAVE TO TRY TO SOLVE IT.

I'm a Jumble Girl!
When the Mr gets stuck at work on his, he texts the word to eyes just "see" it
and if they don't.....I can't move on till I get it! (I know, BIG issues)

So these word verifications are consuming valuable blog stalking time for me!!!

(I know there are a few others who have tutorials, as well):)

Well, I have put it off as long as I can- it is OFFICIALLY time to....get prepared think about check the get my work done!
Have a great day tomorrow (today)!


  1. You are going to that meet-up...whatever it takes, you are going to that thing!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. Curious- does it send you it to your email when I reply like this?????

  2. Me too, me too!!! I was on the list too! haha! I am your newest follower! come check my blog out too!
    Teaching, Learning, & Loving

  3. Oh goodness, Staci...
    I think you're wonderful the way you are.
    And I can relate.
    My issues have issues!

    I loved your "go away crazy letters" plea.
    Yesterday, I got one that had 15 letters/numbers/punctuation marks!

    Have fun in Lebanon {laughing while typing}
    Being from California, I had to scroll down to reassure myself that you were headed for the city not the country!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. I am your newest follower! I can't wait till the 14th! Excited to meet everyone!

    Mrs. Shelton's Kindergarten

  5. You better come! I can't wait to meet you! I've actually added 4 more names since I sent that out the other day. I left off Tangelia (ahh! can't believe I did that) and I've got some more girls tagging along from my district. We are going to have a blast!!!

    Kinder Kraziness

  6. I wish I lived closer and then we could car pool- it would be the Staci with an "i" car pool! We'd be rockstars. haha :)

    But, I just signed up for a 5K race that day so I can't carpool :( but I'll be praying for you!!

    And I did the no robot comment thingy when I saw Reagan's post too!!!! Those things annoy me- so I'm glad you did a plug for it!!!

    Oh- and we threw my father-in-law a surprise 70th birthday party on Saturday and I thought of you because he got a HILARIOUS birthday card with a squirrel on the front!!!!! so funny :)

    Let's Teach Something

  7. I hope you get to go to the meet-up. Sounds like fun. I found your blog through Farley's linky party. ... You had me chuckling through your post. Thanks!!! I am a new follower.

    Come visit my blog sometime.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"