
Monday, April 2, 2012

Really? I'm Not the Only One!!

Okely Dokely, My Artichokelys!
After a solid week and a half of non-teachery stuff, I am back on track-
 {academically- but not physically! I had to take a nap when I got home!
I usually stay  for a bit after school... was nuttin' but taillights at 3:15- cause we were OUTTA THERE!

I was back in my Kajamas (the "K" is on purpose), on the couch, under a blankie....snoozing by 3:30..

I live really close:)

So here's a snippet of our day:

Each week when there is a new story in the basal, I have the students complete a Word Sort.
Words I Knew
Words I Decoded
Not Sure

They usually just skim through the story, put the words in the blocks, bring it to small group and I go over it with them individually.

As the stories have become progressively difficult, there has been quite a bit of reluctance.
I think they are worried that they are going to put "too many" words in the "Not Sure" column.

So rather than doing a regular sort,
I gave them a piece of 12x18 paper.
They folded- making 16 rectangles.

I gave them a few minutes to go through our story and put one word that they weren't sure of  in each rectangle.

Then they cut them apart.
(Taken with phone today- I swear I feel *NAKED* without my camera!)
Then I paired them up.

They had to "hand over" their cards to their partner. They didn't know that these were for other's eyes.

After they switched with their partner, and began looking at what was written, I started hearing:

"Hey! I wrote that word!"
"I didn't know this one either!"
"Oh, you don't know this one? This one is _______."

They were getting excited that they could help each other!

Some of my boys took it upon themselves to set up a "memory game" because they had so many words that were the same!

When they were done sharing it was their assignment to choose two of the cards and write together in their journals.
They had to write about which "animal" (strategy) they used to figure out that new word with their partner.

We do so much in small groups- I guess I underestimated the power of whole group!

They use the animals (strategies) from the Stuck on Word? Poster set I made. Click on the pic to grab it.

It was a great to see them using the tools they had, working together, being supportive, and being soooooo good on the first day back after 9 days off!!!


Hope that wasn't too boring and didn't disappoint those who were hoping
to "blog on" and read about my regularly scheduled craziness...

I am sure it will resume at it's appointed time tomorrow:)


  1. I am on spring break this week. I can so relate to taking naps and putting on some relaxin' clothes. I have taken a few naps since Friday night when we began our break. Thanks for the freebie!

  2. I love your word sort activity! Your posters are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

    The First Grade Dream

  3. That's a really cool activity! I'm enjoying my spring break....but trying really hard to exercise my superpower of slowing down time!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  4. I love that idea! And your strategy posters are great--love the real pictures! Thanks!

    Strive to Sparkle

  5. Great stratefy idea! Thanks for sharing it! I have a new camera that has a rechargeable battery rather than regular ones and it is always dying on me since I keep forgetting to recharge it, so I understand your camera frustration!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  6. Hi Staci:
    You could post about dirt and I would be more than happy reading it!

    I am, however, reading this in my pajamas.
    (I wonder if I can convince my school to change the dress code by next week?)

    Don't you love when kids work together?! It's a rarity in sixth grade, but I still love to hear it...

    Happy napping!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  7. Love the posters! And don't you love it when the kids do exactly what you imagined they would do?!
    Rowdy in First Grade

    1. I do! It was nice to see them working in different groups than the ones they are used to!

  8. Love the word sorting activity and strategy posters- thanks for sharing!


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