
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Revealed on the Road (FOR REAL THIS TIME)

Actually, we are NOT technically on the "road" because we aren't driving....

But we are out of town still.

And I was so excited because we had to go through Lebanon to get here....(now I know I can't drive that on my own)!!

Every mile or so, there is a place for another lane of traffic to "merge" in with you...and
they don't discriminate-
They merge from both sides!!!!
I tried to read while he was driving-
but the boys were too loud.

I tried to sleep-
but everytime he shifted lanes, I felt it and it made me tense up.
(My behind got  a great workout on the way was flexed the whole time!!! hee hee)

We got adjoining rooms at the hotel...(and this is terrible)

We are making the boys share a bed, Chickadee gets her own bed,
and then in our room...

The  MR and I are in our own (separate) beds.


I love the man- but there is something to be said for having a bed to yourself!
My pillows are so fluffy.
And there isn't any snory- man-breath on them.
And no one rolled over and took my covers-
which is good,
 because I ran into a penguin on the way to the bathroom last night

My youngest Little and I tried to take some pictures together after we got ready this morning and before we went
over to visit with family.

Actually, the original plan was NOT to do this together- but as you will see in this series of pictures, he made
it a duo photo shoot. It loops because I wanted everyone to see what goes on behind the scenes....
Watch the Little as pops in and out of the background.

{The background noise is there because I had to video the ppt with my camera THEN load it BACK on to the MAC}

We did happen to get this one:
I think this one was my favorite.

 Are you happy now Holly and Kristin????
See what I have to go through to try and get a pic?
Not to mention the fact that I live up to the Squirrels name  because
it always looks like I am storing stuff in my cheeks when I try to smile on purpose!!!

This disdain for being photographed is apparently a gene that can be passed on:
I told you I was raising a bunch of eggheads!

I have given it to Chickadee!!!
This is one half of the pinata they had is her new hat:)

Tomorrow is a big day so it is time for me to check Google Reader, then hit the hay

{my very own hay....all by myself...yeah!!!!}


  1. See you ARE cute - I just knew it. In my minds eye you were adorable and I was RIGHT!!!!! Love it - thanks for sharing and Happy Easter to you and yours!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. What a beautiful picture! You do NOT look like you're storing anything in your cheeks!! I admire your bravery, I'm too scared of being "out there" to put my pic on my blog :/ Happy Easter!

  3. yay!!! I LOVE that you've shown your face to us!! FINALLY!! I love having a face to the name and words behind it all!

  4. I'm with you on not being able to sleep with hubs either...tense, tense, tense.

    Glad you were able to spread out and sleep, too :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  5. I would not recognize you if I ran into you! You look so "grown up" now!!!! I'm going to have to post one of the college pics for all of your followers. tehehehe!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"