
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!


We made it~ it was iffy there for a while.

I joked that I would put a blanket over my head like a parrot and hopefully it would make it easier on everyone involved-
but it didn't work.

It was hot under the blanket.

Scaredy-Cat-Pants aside, it was a beautiful day!

We woke up early to swim before we checked out.
We had the pool all to ourselves too- so that was nice.

Chickadee wasn't having any of it- she chose to sleep instead.

It was a very busy day-

finding Easter Baskets

finding eggs





driving home.

The Easter Bunny was very "green" this year. Instead of baskets, he left their goodies in planting pots-
So this coming weekend- they all get to plant something pretty- or something that will produce food- and they will take care of it individually.
We do a huge garden each year and they help a little, but this will get them excited (I hope).

Look at those cute little cupcake "eggs"!
The "teacher" in me snatched those babies away from them as soon as they were found! I'm not sure how- but I NEED to use those in my classroom!

We took a break from festivities to cook.

Don't laugh.

I saw these on Pinterest- and I wanted to make them.

I forgot to get black olives- so that made my chickies look weird:
Zombie Deviled Eggs
The one in the very front- looks really creepy!

He's like a combo "bug eyed fly/chicken guy".

Either way, they tasted yummy!

Then it was time to crack some cascarones on each others heads-
(They moved too fast for me to get good pictures of that- but it was pretty funny).

Then we ate

and ate

and ate

and you get the picture...

It is only about 4 hours away from our house to visit with these family members

but that is 3 hours and 53 minutes more than I am usually in a car each day...I live really close to school:)

The MR started getting sleepy so we pulled off to get some coffee:

I asked him if he wanted one-

he didn't.

Oh, well, I hope he enjoyed his ugly, naked coffee!!!!

And I hope all of you enjoyed your Easter weekend!
I love seeing the pics of your Littles in their Easter Bests:)

Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. Hi Staci:

    I like the zombie egg friends!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed your day...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. what do I have to do to get a coffee cozy cutie?
    I laughed at the creepy egg. My family wanted deviled eggs but I never did it. Now I feel extra terrible after seeing your amazing cracking shell eggs.
    Happy Easter!

  3. I love that you gave the kids their gifts in planting pots!!!! So smart!

    And the cupcake eggs are ADORABLE!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. I love the zombie eggs- and I bet they were YUMMY.
    and I'm with Reagan- What do I have to do to get a cutie coffee coozy. I don't drink coffee, but you better bet your buns I'd use it to make my hot chocolate not ugly and naked!!
    And my fam plants a big garden every summer too- we should have a harvest party. Pick, snap, wash, jar, can. Repeat. It gets old doing it solo.

    Let's Teach Something

  5. Those eggs are the cutest....move out this way so you can inspire {force} me to be more crafty/cutsie-tootsie....

    When are you having that cutie coffee cozy giveaway?!? Huh? Huh? Remember I need the one with the 'stache and I plan on winning it!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  6. Ack! Naked coffee! Good grief woman, give us some warning before you post those kinds of pictures - I had kids in the room! :P
    Love the plant pot idea, totally stealing it for next year - we always lose our baskets and I just can't stand spending $$ for something that's going to get thrown away!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten


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