
Monday, April 9, 2012

Tagged and Tired

Holy Macaroni Batman- 
I have been tagged so many times that I think this is borderline assault!!!
First by Casey at Second Grade Math Maniac
Then by Sandy at Soaring Through Second

Then Holly at Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

and by Sharon at Ms. McBee's Kinderbugs

( I am probably getting tagged as we speak)
Ok, that is four ladies, four ladies times ten questions equals FORTY answers-
I am only doing this because ...
1. It's my turn to have "kitchen" so I am pretending to work.
2. I don't want to be a rule breaker.
3.  I don't really have a "3", but 1 and 2 looked lonely.

Here are Casey's questions:
1. What is the most played song on your IPOD (or other mobile device)? Whatever is on the radio
2. What is the last movie/tv show/book that made you cry? Parenthood- Like every episode!
3. What story does your family ALWAYS tell about you? My nickname growing up was "Spanky" because I was fat and bald
4. If you could have your dream second home, would if be a mountain hideaway or a beach house? Mountains- easier to get warm than to cool off
5. What is the furthest you have ever been away from home? Germany
6. What is the oldest item you own? The MR....hee hee
7. If you had to pick 1 place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you take them? Campbell's Kitchen- best Schnitzel in town
8. What one food do you never get tired of? chocolate
9. You have to move out of the country RIGHT now. Where do you go? Canada
10. How many days do you have until Summer??  (Or for my year round buddies, until this school year is over!) 32!!!! I answered that one the fastest!!! ha ha

Sandy's questions: 
1. Favorite color? blue
2. Favorite TV show? right now, Mad Men
3. Favorite sports team? The one who is playing against the MR's team
4. Favorite ice cream? Peanut Butter Fudge
5. Favorite food? anything Chocolate 
6. Favorite memory? when Chickadee was born and I became a mom
7. Favorite thing to do outside of school?   NAP!
8. Favorite book?  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
9. Favorite beauty product? makeup remover
10. Favorite movie?  Imitation of Life (the Lana Turner version)
Holly's questions: 
1.  Do you have any bad habits?  Care to share? NOT ANYMORE!!!! Whoo hooo! (10 months, HOLLA!)
2.  Outdoors or Indoors? Indoors- Outside is where the buggies and the heat are
3.  Books:  Real deal, Kindle, Nook, iPad, other? Real
4.  Night owl or early riser? NIGHT OWL
5.  Do you have a best friend? Yes, My neighbor teacher- she is like a sister
6.  Favorite room in your house? Living room
7.  What do you pride yourself on as a teacher? Patience and rapport with children
8.  Where do you blog? couch, sometimes office is the MR is watching something I can't stand
9.  Your home alone, somebody rings the doorbell, you don't know them, do you answer the door? I don't answer the door for people I know!!!!
10.  When telemarketers call do you listen, tell them you're not interested politely, hang up on them? Unless the telemarketer is in my went to voicemail:)
Sharon's questions
1.  What do you like to do when you are not teaching?  BLOG and NAP
2.  If you didn't teach, what job would you have? Government job- (apparently they are smarter than teachers....hardy har har)
3.  What is your favorite time of year? Fall
4.  Coffee or Tea? COFFEE
5.  Beach or Mountains? Mountains- you don't have to lose weight to wear a sweater!!
6.  Does your classroom have a theme?  What is the theme? No theme- lots of color
7.  How many hours each day do you spend reading blogs? too many....i should be working right now, but I am working on this post
8.  If you could go any where in the world, where would you go? New Zealand
9.  What is the last book you read? In the middle of Hunger Games
10.  How long have you been blogging? Since October of 2011

Ok Now MY questions... I am making it a "numbers game" ....your answers will only require a number for the answer:) (I know you love me)
1. How many times have you been tagged?
2. How many months have you been blogging?
3. How many years have you been teaching?
4. How many years have you been married? If not married, you get  a freebie and don't have to answer.
5. How many children do you have? If no children, see above.
6. How many years did you go to college?
7. How many diets have you tried?
8. How many times have you said THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M GOING TO TELL YOU...and then told them again?
9. How times do you post a week (on average)?
10. How many of my buttons do you have in your sidebar? or How many times am I in your blog roll? (Everyone should have answered that one "1"!)

(I am exhausted now)

Now to tag a few....and since my answers only require a #, I do not feel the least bit guilty tagging someone who has been tagged. :)

I am tagging Holly from Crisscross Applesauce 5 times!!!!

Now only 5 more to go!
(hee hee for reals though,  you really are tagged , Holly:)

First Grade Blue Skies


Ms. Kerri and Her Krazy Kindergarten

Peacocks & Penguins
 And # 10....
(You should head over there and follow her....she is a fellow teacher, but loves to cook....she's going to share some great stuff with us...tell Camille I sent you:))

.now, you know the rules
If you got tagged- answer and pass it on to 10 more....
BUT may I suggest a game of FREEZE TAG.
The kind of tag where you don't have to do anything?
I like getting to know you all by your wonderful posts- I honestly can't remember what everyone answered on these things- but in context, I can remember TONS!
 I had some great news today- the MR is taking off of work for me on Saturday to drive me to the TN Blog Meet Up!!! I am over the moon! 
I was really starting to worry!!!
OK, I am off to join some giveaways!

{Remember- FREEZE TAG}



  1. Hey! I found you on blogger! YAY! I'm excited about meeting you on Saturday! (P.S. I'm your newest follower!)


    1. I am so excited! Blogging has changed my life and I can't wait to share!

  2. Freeze tag sounds like a good idea to me! :) Thanks for playing along! (PS- I loved your answer to favorite sports team! :)

    1. I really could do without sports all together- I only like to watch ice that a "sport"?

  3. Oh Staci:

    This has been such a trying day... and for the first time (It's 8pm!) I feel better!
    I don't know which made me laugh louder: "I don't answer the door for people I know" (Me too!) or "The team playing against the MR's team"!

    Now I can go to sleep without being mad at the world.
    Thanks for that.

    Thanks for being exactly who you are!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

    1. I love being the bee in his bonnet:) That's what marriage is all about!!! :)

  4. I can't wait til Saturday. My fiance is driving me. I got tagged 4 times and I think I might just ask some questions and not tag anyone.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  5. Thanks for the tag! I will try and get to those questions soon!
    Love your blog!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  6. You should get a"Tag Award" tag from me...I have created two different tag award buttons that you stick on your blog :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  7. Thanks for the tag and mention. Not going to make it this Saturday (didn't get to cook with Granny this past weekend so I'll be there this weekend). I need a blog tutorial before I attend any meetups. I don't know any of this blog jargon yet. I'm waiting for someone one to do blog-tionary give away so I'll know what buttons to push on my blogroll...or whatevers!


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"