
Monday, May 21, 2012

Another Small Business Goes Under!!

It was a great fun dayl lesson.

One of my arty smarties did have a great plan!
He set his flier on his desk and for each thing he wanted to buy, he put that much money on the picture!
That caught on like wild fire... I had him share how he thought it out.
They were asking for change, sharing how there are different ways to make 25, combining coins, and planning on buying things for sisters and brothers.
There was a lot of love in the room today (don't get all warm and fuzzy- the tables turned and it got ugly by the end of the day).

Very Impressive.
I was very pushy when it came to purchasing bubbles- they all got them- which was nice- we went out and blew bubbles for a while.

Tomorrow is the last half day!
I was going to throw on a pair of jeans, don my mini pony tail and head out-
but the newspaper is going to be there at dismissal!
Darn it!
My choices of attire- the "OMG-I-AM-SO-BURNED- OUT-LOOK" or the "CAN'T-WAIT-TO-SEE-YOU-IN-AUGUST-LOOK"?
I have to be up in 6 hours, so i think I will be going with the first one!!!
Have a Terrific Tuesday !


  1. I adore you! I would have gone for the first look myself. Oh I already did. Jean capris and sandals!
    You should have sung to your kids. They would just be mesmerized by that voice.

  2. Hey I subbed in a class yesterday where I taught a "fun" game of subtracting money from a dollar. They all started with a dollar, then rolled two dice and subtracted that from their money and had to make change from their dollar. They kept on going til they had 1 penny or 0 cents left.

    It was hard for some to subtract 8 from 96 cents etc. but it was a good experience for them!

    Can I shop in your class? I'd give you real pennies lol :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  3. Your store looks amazing! Too bad it's out of business because those are some great prices - I could restock my treasure box for cheap if I shopped your store! I totally would have gone for the 2nd look, but I'm vain that way lol. If there's a chance I'm going to be in a picture I'm doing all I can to look 1/2 way decent lol! Today I'm rocking jeans, a school shirt and sandals, no makeup and hair in a pony tail, but that's only because there's no chance of anyone important coming by!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  4. I loved your story montage, and I totally read the rest of your post like Roz from Monster's Inc after I read that part. Hilar. :)

    Dang it for plastic money- target should start taking plastic money. I'd be able to get everything I'd ever wanted from those dollar bins if that were the case! :)

    And JEANS all-the-waayyyy!!!



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