
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It was the best of days, it was the worst of days....

Raise your hand...
(Put your hand down, Miss Mayes. I haven't asked the question yet)

Raise your hand if today was your last day.
(Okay,now you can answer)

Me first...
Me! ME! oooooooo Pick ME!!!!!

It was my last day.
It was the best of days- it was the worst of days.

I finished filling out my cummulative files.

I cried myself into puffy eyes.

There were some DEEELICIOUS cookies at the end of year luncheon and I had four one and a half of them.

One mom hugged me so tight, it began to be awkward and I was 
beginning to think she was going to buy me lunch.

Buses loaded at 11:20

I got "Ugly Cry Snot" all over me at dismissal because some of my girls were so upset.

HOLD IT... I am stopping this post right in the middle-
I think my Bests and Worsts need to be switched.....think  about it.

All of those BESTS were really pretty ordinary.

I cried so hard because I love those sweeties.
"Mom" hugged me so tight because she  was so  sad they were leaving, but so happy we had the year together.
   In her particular case, she said before she hugged me "Thank you for all you did for " sweet girl" this year. And that     Mother's Day (the lemon scrub) present made my day so special. "Sweet girl" got her brother to sign the card and tag, too. They spent the day wanting to do everything for me. Dad is still in Afghanistan and having them make such a big deal about that day for me without him meant so much." ( I bet Tara is falling apart right now).
The "Ugly Cry Snot" got all over me because of the connections I made with those girls this year.

I have one last part of my day that was the absolute best.
Remember Q? He is my buddy who found the need to flip himself upside down in his chair during my formal eval, with the PAL, who had never been in my room before...

Q. is a sweetie. He can be a sneaky snake- but no major offenses- no office notes, and usually when there is a bad day- it is followed by many good ones.

He is not a touchy feely guy though- I tell them before they can get on the bus, they have to give me a "handshake, a hug, or a highfive" that way I see which bus they are getting on- he NEVER opts for the hug.

He is not one to come and lay his head on me or give you one those hugs that always seems to find you when you are least prepared and most squishy.

Well, (get a tissue, Tara- we'll wait) today we had a shaving cream spelling test. It was a great way to clean off the goo so I don't have to to have them practice and address those kinestetic and tactile learners...har har

After they had to write what I wanted them to- they were able to write what they wanted.

Q. yells "Miss Squirrels, spell your last name again"
Out of curiosity, I walked over to see what he was writing in the shaving cream-
I had a lump in my throat and gasped out loud when I read
"I Love You Miss Squirrels"

It was our moment.
I think he saw me tear up some and heard the crack in my voice- but I didn't want to embarrass him.
We made eye contact.
That was all that there was.

Q.'s daddy came early to get him. 
He didn't want a hug or a high five or a handshake.
And I didn't want push it.
We just stood there.
He smiled.
And then he left.

Deep Breaths. Deep Breaths.
I love where I was today and am excited about where I am going tomorrow (Truman's Story).

Have a wonderful wednesday!!!!!


  1. ok......I can't see to type because of the words spelled wrong, don't count! the Lord I didn't already have my makeup on yet!!! I bawled 2 times yesterday....once was when my sweet boy with autism stood up to give a speech (which he does every once in a while and we all love it) but at the end of this one he announced he is leaving and going to a private school....then he just stopped talking, walked over to a chair and sat and cried! Then I cried and when I tried to talk to him he wouldn't sad.....then he got up and walked out the door!!!! I thought he took off! Nope, he was sitting in the hallway I went in the hall, crawled my big butt on the floor and we sat and cried and talked. I finally got him laughing when I told him he had to figure out how to get me up off the floor!!!
    I'll have to try to remember my bests and worsts today instead of crying my way through my day!!
    Thanks for the post:))) Love it:) Off to find some tissues!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. aw so sweet. Both of you...I read it all.

  3. But I didn't even raise my hand. I was only stretching!! My kids last day is not until Thursday and my last day is not until Friday!!! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!
    Tara I think I would have cried too. How sweet!

  4. You just made me cry and I still have 3 1/2 hours left with my little ones! They are off at PE right now, I hope I can get it back together before they come back in!

    Jennifer@ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  5. my hand is raised... really high! **AND it's holding a kleenex in case you or I or Tara or Jennifer need another one**

    Let's Teach Something

  6. Ahhh, My last day is next Friday, reading this post made me tear up thinking about how much I am going to miss these kids! I don't think I'll ever recover from losing this group! They are SO easy, they do what I say, I love them. :(

    Second Grade Math Maniac

  7. Love that! Did you take a picture? Your squirrel picture reminds me of Joe Pesci's character in the Lethal Weapon movies, "Okay, Okay, Okay!"

    Congrats on your last day you lucky squirrel you!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  8. Just want you to know that we all love you too Miss Squirrels!
    An Open Door

    1. So emotional this past week
      I will have to toughen up or my own littles will eat me alive this summer!

  9. Both you and Tara got me teared up and my last day isn't for a couple weeks!

    The last day always leaves me an emotional wreck.
    Dragonflies in First


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"