
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Five for Friday March 15

Hello! Time for Doodle Bugs Teaching Five for Friday!!!

1. Can we start out by sharing this word problem that went with my Mr. Green's Gold and it's GLARING mistakes???
Guess how I noticed?
Yep, another teacher pointed it out to me- AFTER it has been up for a week- AND been posted on my blog- BLARG!

2. Best way to get them cleaning?
Take a picture of their mess and tell them you are going to post it on the class site for  ALL of their parents to see.
The sweetie with the pink and brown butterfly bag was quick to point out that "your mom will recognize your bag on the computer and you're gonna get in trouble".
Pics never posted.
Floor is clean.

3. Had a presentation to prepare for a faculty meeting this week. Stayed up way to late (again)
Truman kept me company:)
Totally added to the acknowledgments!

4. One of my sweeties' awesome dad packed him a "Green" lunch today.

5. With all the crazy cuckooness this week- I am looking forward to checking my mailbox tomorrow and scooping up these little gems.
I ordered them from Etsy- Are they not the cutest? I think  you should all go order them!!
When I go to  "my guy" this week to get my nails filled, I am totally going to have him add a few of these decals and shellac over them!!!

 Hop everyone has a terrific Saturday!!!


  1. What a great dad to pack a green lunch for his child! I caught the he mistake the first time but had to read it two more times to catch the two ofs! Have a great weekend!

  2. How many "squirrely" things do you think you have in total? ;) Will never ever look at a squirrel again, without thinking of you!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. That's my goal! I am in Everyone's head is in my ploy to take over the world!!!!
      And I have a boat load of "squirrely things"!!!

  3. I love that the dad packed a green lunch for their kid! Too cute!

    My dog Molly stays up with me and keeps me company too. Love it! :-)

    Blooming In First

  4. They do love to leave their jackets and backpacks on the floor; you're right. Great idea!
    Tamra First Grade Buddies


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