
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Smelly Freebie and A Sale!

Yeah! It's Saturday!!!
I can't stay and talk for long- they have "opened" the building today and that means I can go into the hall on a Saturday without setting off any alarms and alerting the CPD!!! Whoo hoo!

(I know exciting, right)?

But before I go I wanted to share two things with you- a Freebie and ...........
A Sale!
And it is a One Day Only Sale! More to come on that...
But first-

You have already read about my obsession with Scentos Smelly Markers- it has gotten to the point where when
The Mr. goes to Walmart, he will take a picture of a pack and ask- "Do you have these yet?"
Yep, it's bad.

But the firsties love them as much as I do!!!
We play games  with them Stop! Drop! SMELL IT! SPELL IT!  and we use them in SPELLING CENTERS (thanks to First Grade Blue Skies.)

And now we are creating "Secret Smelly Spelling" - {Shhhh...It's a Wig, I mean a Secret}

I got this idea from a combo of MOFFAT GIRLS Fun February post and the idea of using watercolor paints.

Paints are great- but unattended- on-your-own-the-teacher-can't-always-see-me-paints can be a nightmare!!!
So I thought for those of us who have a secret fear of getting a phone call from every single parent because "Johnny" painted all  of the children when you weren't looking, this is a great alternative.

Super Simple to set out.
Super Simple to do independently.
Super Smelly and Super Fun!

1. Set out a bin with Secret Smelly Spelling pages, a list of words, white crayons and smelly markers (you can use reg markers- but it doesn't smell as sweet!)
2.  Sweeties write their words with white crayon.
3. After words are written, sweeties go over them with smelly markers. The lighter colors work better.
4. Voila! All done!

You can make this a partner activity by having two of them write their words on separate papers, trade, Reveal! and Read!
Click on pic below to grab a free copy for yourself!

I hope your sweeties have as much fun with it as mine have!

Now- the Sale!
Mrs. Wheeler is hosting a Lucky Day Sale  Linky for one day only! Click the button below to head over and see how many wonderful bloggers will have 20% off on Sunday !

Some of my items that you might want to check out:

Fry Phrase Word Rings {1st, 2nd, and 3rd 100 sets}

Addition Fluency Games

One on One Assessments
Now it's time for me to go to work- Blarg! I should have gone to college to be a Princess. I don't think they work anywhere near as hard!!!


  1. Love this idea - so cute! Just pinned it. :) You can't go to school on the weekends?!?! That's crazy talk!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2. Love this! I can tell they are going to go crazy over it! I just got some new spring smelly markers today! Can't wait to put this into action!


  3. How great is this? :) LOVE IT.
    I hope you don't mind but I'm pinning and sharing on FB! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  4. Hey enormous stuff or pleasant information you are offering here.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"