
Friday, March 1, 2013

FIve for Friday

Happy Friday, Friends!
This Friday I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching

It was a short week {for me}. There was a this "court thing" on Thursday and a Little who was feeling a little under the weather today. But missing days at school did not keep me from having an abundance of pictures.
{I may have a slight problem with taking soooooo many pictures}.

1. One of my firsties brought in her make up case because she Just.Had.To.Show.It.To.Me. I NEED this case in my life. Daily. To hold all my important stuff...or cause I am just a hoarder.

2. I know you can all count change. So I will wait while you count this up.
Know how much this is? It is five cents less than what you can get a soda for in my building.
Yes, we still have 75 cent sodas in 20 ounce bottles in a machine.  I really needed that soda too!
I sent a pic to the Mr- being all silly- with the caption "AGHHHHHH!!!"
He sent back a pic of all the change in his pocket with the message "Take one"
We work 20 miles from each other.

3. Dagwood sandwiches for dinner tonight. Easy and yummy.

4. On my "judicial errands" Thursday, I was behind this guy. I want this sticker.

5. And finally, had some Chinese for lunch today. The front of this fortune vs. the back of the fortune really makes me wonder .......nothing says "I hope you enjoyed your meal" like learning how to say "disease" in another language.
I was also curious about the Chinese word for disease being Bing. Do you think Microsoft knew?

Hope you have a great weekend!!!


  1. The sandwich looks yummy! Why is it that other people's sandwiches look better than your own? At least for me!(Is that a Yorkie under your plate?!!)
    Super cute case!
    I'm going to pass on the disease fortune word!

    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

    1. The sandwiches were yummy! and easy to clean up:) And yes, there is ALWAYS a yorkie under my plate- the fattie one is Truman, the darker, smaller one is a Dorkie (dachshund and yorkie mix) his name is Barkley. They are my buds and are FOREVER "sharing" my dinner:)

  2. That make up case is just what you need! Your sandwiches look yummy!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. When I asked her where she got it, she was very specific-
      the store.

  3. Just found your blog through the linky party. That bumper sticker is hysterical! I love it when kids bring you things because they think you will love sweet!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  4. Can I have dinner at your house?? What a sweetie to share her case with you:)

    Surfin' Through Second

  5. I need one of those sandwiches! Hope all your littles are feeling better!

  6. Love that fortune- tooo funny!! I'm your newest follower!
    Science for Kids Blog

    1. I need more direction in Science- sometimes I feel like they get cheated a little- so I am YOUR newest follower.

  7. You have me craving a sandwich right now! So nice to meet you through the linky! I am excited to be your newest follower!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  8. Sounds both you and your husband have a great sense of humor!!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The caliber of information that you're offering is merely wonderful.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"