
Monday, March 4, 2013

Giveaway and a "Teacher Crush"

Happy Monday!
I will admit that it is "happy' for me right now because it is almost over
{sad face}

What a day! What a day!
I was out both Thursday AND Friday- so I had to "mop up " all those messes before I could begin the new week.
After all those were taken care of, we moved on to our day.

I introduced some AH-mazing Math centers from my friend Jen @ The Teacher's Cauldron- you are going to fall in love with these-
I will post some pictures of those centers in action tomorrow!

In Lit Block last week, our spelling words were all compound words. When I saw Miss Kindergarten's Compound Words Craft this weekend- I knew that it would be something that they would instantly LOVE today. I was right!

{My class kinda has a "teacher crush" on Miss Kindergarten}

They absolutely loved working on this!!
Here are some pictures of the final product, the work in progress, and my favorite- THE DISPLAY:)

Isn't that the best? I printed the pages with the strips where the compound words were and then they chose a strip- with their eyes closed.
And then I told them it was



And it was the quietest, most relaxed, craft we have done in a long while.
"Secrets" are the new "secret" in my room!

Thank you Hadar for making compound words so fun!

Here's something that is NOT a secret
{great segway}
I am a Squirrel in L.O.V.E. with coffee.
I drink it in the morning, I drink it in the afternoon, I drink it at night.
This could be insight as to why I am so high strung sometimes...... I may have to look into that!

Sometimes late at night, when I am perusing the blogs, and replying to all the great "nutty chatter" you leave for me- I wish that I had someone to share a nice hot cup o' joe with ....but everyone here is asleep (thank goodness)

How great would it be to share?

How cool would it be to enjoy a little latte together?

Well, now we can. At least one of you can. Check out this mug. It could be the best coffee mug ever!

Is that not hilarious???
It's SQUIRREL APPROVED, FOLKS! It's right there on the package!!!
When I saw it at our bookstore I bought two-  because this is just too funny to keep to myself!!

So what crazy thing does Squirrels want us to do?
Easy Peasy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner will be announced Thursday evening!
For now though, I am going to take a little hint from Barkley:)
Hope everyone has great Wednesday!



  1. That is the cutest coffee cup ever. Love it.

  2. That is one mighty cute mug..crossing my fingers!!!!


    Thanks for always putting a smile on my face!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. Cute! I would need about 20 cups per morning! :)
    wendy 1stgradefireworks

  4. Love the mug! Too cute!

    I too am a coffee lover! I drink it pretty much all day long. My family laughs and says that I inherited my love for the cup of joe from my grandmother.

    Well, gotta go freshen up my coffee.

    See ya!

    PS. Love the rainbows too!

  5. LOVE her rainbows!
    do you guys not have any bulletin boards either? i thought we were the last people on earth not ot have bulletin boards

  6. I believe this is actually the most useful blog I've been through this entire day.


Thanks for leaving some "Nutty Chatter!"