Why didn't anyone tell me that my WTH Wednesday post wasn't up?
Guess you're just gonna have to settle for:
I worked on it- but then I got distracted-
I had a baby!
A real baby!
You can send me gifts if you want to,
but I just "borrowed" the baby.
She was on loan for two days.
I already gave her back-
I don't know how I did it, man!
I don't know some of you are doing it now?
They are a lot of work-
I had to feed her and change her and rock her
and play with her
and take a nap with her
( i did that one EVERYTIME she went down)!!
So bloggin- was out.of.the.question!
I was lucky that I got to read a few on my Google reader
through my phone...
During one of our naps, we were awakened
by the sound of WWII bombers attacking our house-
it was horrible-
I sent the children to the bunker-
left a letter "in code" for the MR
so he would know where we were...
OH, wait- it wasn't war...
It was a powered parachute-
right above my house!
Have you ever seen one?
Essentially, it is a go kart
that can fly!!!
The go kart minus the parachutes are
ILLEGAL in my hood!
And we have an officer of the law who lives right down the road-
and by cracky- he will enforce it!
BUt how do you give a ticket to
the GUY in the Sky??
HE went around and around and around
and around and around and around
(I'm getting dizzy)
my house! At one point I thought he was going to land
on my house and drop presents in my chiminey-
It would have been the least he could have done
considering he woke me AND the baby from our nap!
But we made it- we were able to
rest later-
luckily it rained, because if one neighbor
would have been outside with his mower-
there could have been bloodshed.
I did leave the baby with Chickadee for about an hour and a half
to go to breakfast with one of my students this morning.
It is her birthday and when her mom asked what she wanted to
she said I want Miss Squirrels to go to breakfast with us.
(I know- you know you are a MAJOR CELEB
when seven year olds are requesting you for
birthday parties- too bad I can't make balloon animals)
I went to the back and tried on a few outfits
(basically something other than the convertible
pajamas that I have been wearing on and off this summer)
And NONE of my capris fit.
NONE of them
I just bought them when I was in Texas with Reagan!
That was just a little over a month ago-
I would like to tell you that they fell right off and I was
unable to cinch them with a belt-
but that would be a BIG FAT PILE o LIES!!!!
I couldn't get them buttoned!!
What the heck am I gonna do???
School starts in 2.5 weeks!
The MR is trying to better himself
and he has lost 22lbs in the last 5 weeks-
I am going on that new wave diet
day one-nothing
day two- water
day three- water and a tic tac-
I got it from this famous rock star chick!
This is not helping:

Meringue Cookies!
They ARE fat free-
they are also
free to move around my body
because I have eaten almost the whole container while I am
Did you notice that I added the cool rotating graphic of the products I have
been adding to my tpt???
I thought- this will give me some more traffic-
a little more exposure
and I won't lie-
a few more products sold-
I now know why it isn't working-
Check these out-

My blog shows up when people search for:
drake and josh makeover???
take off your shoes and socks in front????
make my feet smell????
and creepy blue thing????
I don't ever remember posting about a "creepy blue thing".
I will however admit to talking about stinky feet!
I have got to get more teacher into my teacher blog!!!
I DID do something teachery-ish today.
I bought a planner:-
It was not a life planner
or a fancy schmancy planner
(I spent all my muhla on digital paper packs yesterday....zoinks!!)
I went the old traditional-

I am going to be a handwriting fool this year!
I started handwriting my plans this year because I felt like I was
doing so much copying and pasting with my template
This way I don't have to print anything-
I have it with me all the time
and this one is pretty spacious inside-
$14.00 at our local
I have to get rested up-
Tomorrow is
Give Back Saturday-
that is when the Littles give back some of the time that
Mommy has spent being the glue that holds this operation together
and I do not have chores-
they do-
I get one Saturday a month!
So now I have to stay up late,
drink coffee,
crochet, and blog stalk- because I have
NOTHING to do tomorrow!
(Speaking of crochet- I have added four states!
Updated map is at the very bottom of page)
Sleep well ladies!
Your capris don't fit? They were falling off of you girl! I remember you were floating in fabric! That's what I call a relaxing and wonderful summer.
ReplyDeleteBut your diet sounds rock solid. Whomever thought of that regimin you are about to implement was a genius. I am sure you won't fall off the wagon at all with that tic tac.
So far so good !
DeleteOf course I didn't get out of bed til 2pm
So I haven't had the chance to eat much!
I have tears rolling down - your post had me giggling, but the socks and shoes off - it send me over the edge. I know how you feel about the capri's, I think I am in the same boat. I am just not brave enough to try them on.
I told the MR we were going to have to go moo-moo shopping
DeleteThis post is HUH-larious! I prefer the meringue cookie diet myself. They are mostly air right? How can that be wrong? Ummm give back Saturday - that's what I'm talkin' about! I think I'm going to have to implement that around here asap! Thanks for the laughs!
The Bubblegum Tree
I was literally unable to stop eating them! They taste like chocolate ice cream- damn Kroger!!!
DeleteROFLOL your post has me laughing out loud!! Thank you so much I have needed a good laugh! I am your newest follower and would love for you to come by and check out my little ole blog too
At the pool- but I will definitely check you out when I get home! Glad you stopped by and got a giggle:)
DeleteYour diet sounds stellar...absolutely stellar. Thanks for the motivation. I'm off to the couch cushions to see if I can find a fallen tic tac...
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
I should start taking pics of everything I eat for accountability
DeleteHaha I love your posts!! They are too funny.
The Reading Corner
When something happens to me - my first thoughts are - just laugh-
DeleteIt could always be worse!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOk let me try this again:) I love your posts and so look forward to them! My state still has ugly coffee I'm looking at the yellow and black cutie coffee. It matches my room and hey were here in Kentucky can't have ugly coffee. Think my Hubs will agree. I might have to sneak it;)
The Busy Busy Hive
Come on KY!!
DeleteI help you cure your ugly coffee woes:)
Yea, you are back I missed your post for Wednesday, but this one more than made up for it. Happy weekend.
It was a great start to the weekend- I didn't get out of bed til 2!!
DeleteOh my gosh, how do these things happen to you-- flying go kart parachutes?? I'm on the pants are too tight diet too. It must be the summer!! I love the search words- make my feet smell & creepy blue thing. I thought I might have missed something lol!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
I'm going to add
Delete"blogs we should send free stuff to" in one of my posts
Hopefully that will show up for learning resources !!!!
Hi Dear Squirrels!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about the "French Fry behavior chart" listed as a search item. Do I get french fries if I behave? I don't think french fries are going to help get my capris to fit...
Hey! I know a teacher in Washington. I'm going to find out if she drinks coffee...
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
I don't get the French fry behavior chart either???
ReplyDeleteI have a behavior chart and I did Christie's French fry facts for math
Maybe I should incorporate the two for better behavior!!!! :)
I want to let you know that I don't always know when you're being 100% serious...until I read two more lines of your blog...but I absolutely love your writing style and sense of humor. Thanks for jazzing up my google reader with some unique humor.
You Might Be a First Grader...
You crack me up!!
ReplyDeleteTerri Izatt