Hi- Diddlely- Ho- Neighbors-
We are back from a fun little weekend getaway-
The MR decided to pack up after work on Friday, drive to Atlanta, and
then spend the day at the Georgia Aquarium.
For those of you who know me
(even if it is only through this screen)
you know that there are a couple of things that I don't
do well with
1. "Kitchen"
2. Driving
3. Riding in the Car
4. Metal (weird, I know)
Well, going on a trip means I have gotten rid of one of those-
Kitchen! Whoo hoo!
Cause we eat out the whole time we are gone
Someone else cooks it-
Someone else cleans it-
So now we are down to 3 things
Which I DO NOT DRIVE any further than Target or Walmart-
soooo now we are down to 2
(man, this is getting easy)
The Littles are fully aware of their mother's aversion
to metal- so they know better
and we were going to be in the van for like six hours..
so that leaves us with
Riding in the Car (Van).
I don't get carsick.
I don't get headaches.
It's not the "riding in the car" that bugs me-
It's ramming into other objects
(moving or not)
that tends to weigh on me.
I clench- I gasp- I use the invisible brake
that was never installed on my side of the van.
I squeeze material, seats, my own hands.
I hold my breath.
It is worse with the MR.
He has never so much as bumped into a shopping cart,
let alone have a for realsies accident-
but he drives me crazy (pun intended)!
I have tried riding in the back with them-
that is worse-
there is nothing worse than staring at the giant wheel of a semi
when all you can think of is your impending doom!!!
I did have Betty to keep me occupied for awhile-
she's a pretty cool chick:)
I played on my phone A LOT on the way down there
(the Littles slept almost all the way there
and almost all the way back- so they were no fun).
On to the aquarium-
If you have not been there-
Just go!
When I found out there were whale sharks there six years ago,
I made it a point that we would have to go!
It took six years- but we made it!
The whale sharks are just spectacular!
that is a sand tiger shark- but the picture freaks me out! |
The whole day was just amazing!
We drove down the night before, stayed the night at a hotel,
and we were there when they opened the doors-
let me tell ya, that is THE BEST time to go!!!!
The fish were all like
"Come on it- glad you're here!"
After the crowds started coming in, it took away from some of the fun-
not all,
but some.
And I am throwing a HUGE DISCLAIMER out there
I am by no means a Baby Hater. I have nothing personal against any baby in particular.
I have said this before- I am a mother of three- I have been through the baby years.
I was 24 when I had my first and 31 when I had my last. So I have been there.
That is my disclaimer.
with that being said
and this is directed to all of the drivers of strollers that hit me
in the ankle, ran over my toe, or blocked my view.
If I could write them all a letter...
Dear Young Couple,
I regret to inform you that your baby (the one who cannot articulate, walk, or even support it's own
neck without you) did not ask for you to bring them to the Aquarium today.
You baby has no interest in looking at something that it cannot even name
because he has NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!!
There is no sense in driving around a stroller the size of Smart Car with a bag the size of
traveling luggage all day long when your child will have no recollection of today's visit.
You will probably not have any recollection of it either because all you have done all day is
apologize for being in the way. Thank you.
Lover of all babies who are not at the aquarium today-
Too mean?
Ha ha!
I am serious folks!!!
You weren't allowed to take strollers into the Dolphin Show
so the roped off area in front of the stairs looked like a
showroom for baby gear!!
Don't even get me started on the sweet little darlings who cried
through the whole thing!!
So you ask,
Well what do you propose we do?
Get a sitter. Or wait til your baby wants to go-
and good gravy, whatever you do-
don't put your baby on leash!!!
That will definitely be a part of WTH Wednesday!!!
I actually heard a small boy ask if he could "hold" his sister's
leash!! Dad said no, though- reason? because you let her go....
Chances are, if your child cannot or won't stay with you
at an aquarium, you might not want to drop the $100 to get in and just put it off
a few more years :)
Oh, and for that sweet young couple-
Your baby also did not ask to be taken on the tour at the
CNN World Center in Atlanta (look for that one on Wednesday, too).
Remember- I love babies!! Whoo hoo! Gooooooooo Babies!!!
Babies Rock!
(does that get me off any hooks?)
We did have a ton of fun though!
There weren't any major fights between the three.
We laughed and joked.
We learned and shared.
It was a great day for the Squirrels crew!
I did get some great news yesterday!
My DonorsChoose project got approved- so I will be hitting up relatives and
strangers for that one!
I need to get off of here and work out that email that I will
be sending off to them (family).
Shoot, if they can buy three $15 dollar candles from the Littles
during Fundraiser time- they can hook a mama up!!
Have a Marvelous Monday!!